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I was on edge ever since we came back from the hospital. I felt uneasy. It wasn't just that Harry's parents were going to come this evening, no. It was just this feeling.. I just couldn't shake it off. My heart felt heavy as if it was all calm before the storm. I could almost sense the thick tention in the air. I knew he felt it too .

Harry was leant on his back to the headrest and stared out of the window. It was windy outside today. The howling echoing throughout the quiet house and mocking us. It was as if it was a siren and it was warning us of an impending doom.

I stared at Harry sitting stiff with his shoulders hunched like he was weighing the weight of the world. With a frown on his lips that didn't seem to look like it belonged there. I wanted to wipe that expression away for once and all.His hair was slicked back and he looked so.... lost.

I think we were both skeptical and waiting.Waiting for the inpending doom we knew was waiting for us. Or maybe it was just me and he was just lost in his thoughts. Maybe because he's used to living alone and he hasn't been to his office in like two days now.

The shrill of his phone made us both jump in astonishment.He looked at me and I picked his phone up from the side of the dresser and walked across the room to give it to him. I was about to turn and go to my own room to give him some provacy but he yanked my hand and I tumbled rather unceremonioiusly onto his lap.

"Rodney. I was waiting for your call all morning. What did you dig up ? " See. I knew it wasnt because of me. It was office work that kept him on edge.  

Should have known better.The world doesn't revolve around me afterall. I zoned into the conversation when I heard my name . So It WAS about me afterall. But the thought leaves behind a bitter feeling within.

"Yes... Ella is right here. I'll ask her. Set up the cam Rodney." Bending down he goes to pick up his laptop from under the bed, but winces. Pushing him up, I bend to pick up his MAc and he gropes me. Glaring at him I raise the lappy over my head and threaten to throw it out the window. 

That does it , with wide eyes he pleades me not to. With a shake of my head I go to him and stting on his lap we open the lappy together. My eyes zeroing in on the skype page as it loads.

"I was attacked by this guy from the southern side.He seemed to have something to do with you Ella.We just need to connect the dots.We have a footage.Its not clear , but we're hoping you can recognise him. Its okay if you don't baby." he said kissing under my jaw.I turned around pecking on his nose. We jumped apart on clearing of the throat.Right. Rodney was with us.

"Here's what I could find. I have his backgroud sent to you Styles.But I have yet to find his connection to Ella." His voice booms through the speaker and around the room. I wince at the loudness of it and Harry leans forward to balance out the volume.

We wait with bated breath for his image to load. What I see gets my eyes to water.It was him. All these years of endless torture and he was back. I was trembling where I was. Harry seemed to pick up on my stunned silence and my posture as he hugged me tight and closed the screen.

"Its okay.We'll keep you fsafe ELla.Please, tell me who it is. I can help you.I swear I would. Please. Let it out baby. You're okay with me. You're safe in here."

I was sobbing and wailing in his arms for all the years of torture I went through.He was back and he found me. He just wouldn't stop until he had me. I just knew it ! It was always that way. He and his father. Adrian and his son, Adam.

"It- its Adam. They want me back. I- I'm not safe anymore. Th-they found me harry. They'll want me back now. How could I be so stupid? Sending Adrian to jail? ofcourse his son would want revenge. I'm theirs. Th-they want me back. You- you can't le-le-let then H-harry! " 

I was a pathetic and blubbering mess. No amount of his kisses or back rubs could calm me now. I knew a storm was brewing inside. I knew the momentary bliss in my life just won't last long.But I knew Harry would do anything Anything to keep me safe. He was my only hope. 

"What happened ? I need to know Ella." I turned around in his lap and stared at his green eyes that were swirling with the many emotions he was trying to hide. But a few stood out to me. Anger, anguish,sincerity and.... love. I gasped at the realisation.He LOVED me. He cared for me.He wanted to protect me and I had to tell him.To help him protect me.

it was time. Time to let him in.

"Lets get some hot chocolate.Its a really long story"

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