We'll be okay

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"Let me know if it's gonna be you
  Boy, you've got some things to prove
 Let me know that you'll keep me safe
  I don't want you to run away so
 Let me know that you'll call on time
  Let me know that you'll help me shine
 Will you wipe my tears away
  Will you hold me close and say ok?"

          Vanessa Hudgens ~say okay

I was waiting with Alex for harry and the doctor to return.Apparently he had to brief harry about my condition,the diet I'll be allowed and some other boring stuff.Okay maybe not boring,but it is to me.I'm fine really.Harry was adamant about me going to a therapist.Really now?

If only he knew what all things I've been through in the past.This was absolutely nothing.Alex kept stealing glances at me and it was really starting to get me irritated.Well then, I started staring at her too.

"Um, sorry... Ella, I'm worried actually.I've never seen harry like this in a long time. I don't know if he's going to go overboard in being a friend and a nurse for you." She giggled while saying it. Oh yeah,definately going overboard with his incessant nagging.I could actually picture him wearing an apron tring to feed me all kinds of organic foods. Yuck!!

At my disgusted face,Alex giggled some more. "Yeah... he's just excited to be able to baby someone after a long time. He cares about you Ella. He hasn't cried in like... forever. Don't... Don't let him down.Let him enjoy his time with you. It would do you both some good." She patted my thighs for reassurance.

At my responce being just a grimmace,she laughed "I'm sure you'll enjoy torturing him to do all your chores too.But if he gets too much too handle,you can move in with me for a while." She said with a smile.

"No way you won't Ella." Harry stormed into the room with a frown.Alex looked shocked "But... wait.. you were evesdropping?" Now they were glaring at each other.

"I'm not going anywhere.Maybe Alex can stay with us sometimes. Its not like you can stay home all day. You've got a company to take care of." I said with a smirk, knowing it would irritate him.

They both looked at me with shocked faces. What? I have brains, I know. I just put two and two together. "That sounds good actually" Harry said a couple moments later after recovering from his shock.

"So...what are we waiting for?" I smile exitedly and jump from my bed. Only to wince at the sharp pain from my muscles. "Damn... am I ever gonna get used to it?" 

At this the three of us laugh at loud. Everything seems fine at last.But will it last?

Author's Note
I know its short but I promise I'll make it up with a longer chapter next time
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Much love,
Ana :) Xx

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