Chapter-19 -

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I was numb. I was shocked. I was in pain.SO much pain. Here I was hoping for a nice start to a new life and here I am sitting on the hostipal chairs waiting for the doctor to say something. I've lost everything I ever had all my life ... I can't loose him too. He's all I have now. He's my only way to recover, to be... Happy.

Soon after taking the shot, he was rushed into his car. I held onto him and tried my best to keep him awake, to distract him from the pain.But being the stobborn devil that he is, he refused to being in pain.

About half an hour later an ambulance arrived to bring him here.He had passed out on his way here and I was praying and hoping, history doesn't repeat itself... he can't die on me. Not another.This'll just be too much.

I know, I know that it was just on his arm.I know it might not be serious at all, but what if? What if it damages some important artery or organ ? What if ?

"Miss Lavery?" I heard the faint voice of the nurse who was constantly going in and out of the OT.She was middle aged and in blue scrubs. She looked at me with pity. No! no no no no ... Not again. Please tell me anything, but not this. Not this! 

She held onto my sholders and peered into my eyes."Hey ...hey calm down please.Mam, do you want me to sedate you too?" she said with a mischeivios twinkle in her eyes.She reminded me of mum. 

Taking a few deep breaths I tried to ease my mind. "There you go. He's okay. He'll be okay.He's awake now and realy high. I'd be smart around him." she said with a smile and a wink.

"High?" I asked with confusion. How can he be high ina hospital ?

"The pain meds are making him talk too much. Don't worry too much about it. And let him rest. It hasn't been long you were here. Eat something and freshen up dear. He wouldn't like it if he finds out you've been ignoring yourself.He cares for you.All this time he's been here, he kept asking for you.Are you his girlfriend? " She asked with scrunched brows and looked at me pointedly.Whoa old lady, calm down!

He was worrried about me? He was the one who was hurt !! Yet he was worried? about me? Thats just riddiculous.

"Okay. Thank you.Can I see him now?" I hope I can. I was feeling guilty.Sure it had to do with me.I mess up things whereever I go.

"Ofcourse, hun. Run along now." 

I sped off to his room.He was lying shirtless with a bandage over his left arm and shoulder.Other than that, he looked okay.If you can call being holed up with a gun shot okay.

I heaved a sigh of relief and swallowed down a sob. I really hated my conscience sometimes.I slapped myself mentally at this.This is not the time for being down.I need to be strong for him. I jumped a feet off the ground when I heard a throat being cleared a couple of feet ahead of me.

I jerked my head up to see Harry smirking at me. That little piece of shit !! WAlking closer I could see he was really amused. "What? Want me to shower again for you?" I said smirking. And like expected,his smirk dropped and his eyes darkened.

"No. I need you here. Someone's trying to hurt us. I can't let anyone get to you. Did the police want a statement? How are you? Is- " I cut him off with a kiss on his lips. 

"I'm fine.The police would be back shortly.I know somebody is after us.I'll be careful. Are YOU okay though? I was so worried." He smiled and held my hand.

"I'm doing just fine Ella. My hand might not work, you've got to help me with a lot of things now." He said with wiggling eyebrows. "Ugh! you pervert!" I snapped at him and hit him upside his head.

"No wonder the nurse said you were high." I mumbled in dismay. 

"Oh yeah, Because I'm not a perverted asshole on other days." He said with a roll of his eyes. 

"You're being extra honest today" I said with an exaggerated smile. "Now, I'll leave you and get something to eat. I"m hungry as fuck.Want me to get you something?" 

He nodded "Well... just some chicken soup and call mom and Alex please ?" 

"Oh my God!! I'm so sorry. It completely slipped my mind.I'll call them right now." I said with a horrified look.Damn it El, just because you don't have a family, doesn't mean he doesn't have one too. How could I be so selfish and forget to call his family of all people? Stupid,stupid girl. I mentally kicked my ass for being so insensitive.

"You haven't yet? Oh then don't bother. I don't want them going batshit crazy all over me." He said with a frown and a grimmace. What? How could he not? They deserve to know!

"Don't be riddiculous Harry.They're your family.They should know about this attack!" I said in a heated whisper. He flinched at my tone.Then an understanding dawned on  him. 

"Okay,El , for you I wold. But trust me you won't like my mom.Theres a reason I have yet to mention you to her.I hope she won't be all over my case now."

"Its okay.We'll cross that bridge when it comes." 

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