Chapter-17- Unexpected

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A/N >>
Hello my lovely readers :) 
I'm hoping you've all had a wonderful new year and I'm hoping that you do like my story.Thank you for taking your time reading it .

Ana :) Xx

I was following in his footsteps closer to his study.My heart was racing,mind was clouding with all sorts of wild scenarios.I was breathing heavy and my blood was running colder.Harry halted in his path and I bumped straight into him.Well I was distracted and not looking! Don't blame me.

He held onto my shoulders and bent his knees to peer into my eyes.I was still shaking. "Ella, its something serious,yes.But its nothing scary.Jezz you're worse than me at thunderstorms." 

My lips broke out a tender smile at his lame attempt to distract me.But I would be lying if I said it didn't work.I nodded once and he tuned around to open his study.It was a complete mess ! Didn't Brenda clean it all this morning?

He turned to look at me and sighed. "I haven't got around to clean this room..I've been too busy finding about you Ella. And no, Brenda isn't allowed in here. It has all the important documents.Can't trust her with it all." He smiled faintly but even I could tell it was just to calm me down.

I nodded and sat on the chair.He got two files from his shelf and sat on the table across from me.I looked up and frowned.Its not that bad...right?

He opened it for me to look into.I opened the first one and saw two bit\rth certificates attached to it.One was mine and I recognised it.The other had my mothers name,was on the same date but the father's name was different.Even the girl was different.

"Did I have a twin sister? Whats going on Har-" He shushed me by putting his fingers on my lips.I stared up at him waiting for him to explain.He pointed out at the other cartificte and said, "this is your real name El, and thats your father." He took a deep breath and continued while playing with his fingers.

"I found out about it the day you were hospitalised.I then proceeded to look further into it all.You mother and father were high school sweethearts.You were an unplaned pregnancy and your father worked day and night to make the two ends meet.He married her and had you soon.But both sides of their parents disowned them for being reckless.Soon it went donhill.

Your father got mixed up with the wrong crowd and became a drug dealer.Your mom found it hard to deal with it all by herself.She had an affir with your dad meanwhile.When she found out your father was into drugs and all the things that came with it,she ran away and married your dad.

The thing is,your dad is my uncle.Even if he didn't father you,he was more of a father to you.So legally that makes you my cousin even though technically you really aren't.But that name you have,belongs to my mum's side of the family.

Your father lives in Italy as of now.He's very dangerous and part of a very important mafia.Don't even think about looking for him.There was a reason you had a change of name and all your records.Please don't hate me for keeping it all from you.I had to be sure." He looked up from his lap and was looking at me with pleading eyes.

What have I got to say.I was his cousin? My father was alive? I had a family? But Harry has been more of a family to me than anyone else.I was growing feelings for him.There. I admit. I was falling for him. He was my cousin?

"Please Ella,talk to me.You're worrying me.I would have told you everythig that day.But you had just gone through all that.I didn't want to. Also ... Adrian.He kind of works for your father.But he won't be a problem anymore...I hope." 

At this I snapped."Stop please.I need time to thjink it through.I can't handle it all anymore.Its all too much for me." He nodded and stepped away.I held onto his hand.

"I wat you to stop talking not to leave me alone.I need ou here with me.You're all I've got Harry." Then I burst out crying on his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around me.

I felt home.It was all unexpected but I was glad he told me everything.I was glad he wasn't holding back.I looked up at him. "I don't care if I'm your cousin Harry.And seeing you this morning, I'm sure neither did you.Because I only gor 3 years with my daddy.It was selfish.And I- I can't be away from you anymore."

I sobbed more when the thought hit me.I really could be without him.He ment the world to me.He calmed me down,he made me happy."I wouldn't let you go either.Not even to stay with Alex." I giggled at his pety jealousy.

He really was something else. He came into my life like a raging storm and took me away woth it. The thing was would he lift me up or would he throw me down? 

I broke away from the hug,pecked his lips and said, "I'm hungry you know? And can I have waffles please?" He smiled at me and nodded." You can have anything you feel like but you gotta shower first.You reek.

I lifted my arms and smelled... I smelled just fine.Then I heard his burst out laughing. "You really are something else El, I was just messing with you.Just take a shower,we've a whole day to ourselves." I hit him upside his head and ran across the hall to the bathroom and locked myself in.Laughing,I turned on the shower and  took a nice warm bath. It had stopped raining,but the weather was still pleasant.

But then I realised,I didn't being a pair of clothes with me.MAking a rash decision,I took the towel from its shelf,wrapped one around me and another for my hair and ran towards my room.I halted in my tracks hearing Harry laugh out loud.Shit!! I thought he was supposed to be cookig...?

Oh! If I could see him yesterday from the kitchen, he sure can see me too. I turned around embarassed. "You sure are taking the revenge thing too seriously." I frowned my brows at his statement. Revenge? What the hell ishe on?

"Yesterday I came out in a towel and now you're torturing me.I can't have you now El, first you sleep with me...and now"


"Just close your eyes Harry." He smirked at me and shook his head,turning around.I took this as my cue to head towards my room.All the way I could feel him staring.It should have made me  feel awkward,scared or even creeped out, ut stranely it made me feel good.Powerful even.

Who would have thought?

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