chapter-2 It was meant to be ?!?

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"Who was that hot piece of meat?" Samantha asks biting her lips as if he could actually be eaten. "I dont know,Sammy,just another customer." I say with a shrug and continue wiping tables.But she's persistent and still hovers around. " Um.. Do you need help,Sammy?" I ask with my brows raised.Hope she gets the point that I dont need her around.

"You seemed to flirt it out with him.Thought you'd have his name or number by now."she says with a giggle. A GIGGLE!! ugh! I wasnt flirting...

"I was just being nice to him,he seemed like he needed it. Now let me work please.Or is there anything else you'd like me to do?" I say with a overly sweet smile."just clean up and close after yourself" she says with a glare and leaves me to be. finally!!

I sighed leaning down on the counter. I checked my watch.Quarter to seven.This is so frustrating to say the least.

As I'm locking up and setting up the alarm, theres a harsh knock at the door.Startled I whirl around to see a man, in brown suit, waving at me.Confused ,I hold up two fingers, indicating him to wait for two minutes.After locking up,I find him leaning against the curb.

"You were looking for me?" I ask the stranger.Something tells me, I can trust him.He looks at me and scratches his neck. A nervous habit, I guess. On closer look, he seems to be in his 40's.

"I'm Oliver Brown. Your father's lawyer. You're old enough now to be handed over his will. Please come over to my office tomorrow morning. I'll be waiting for you." He said with a straight face and looks down upon me with sympathy.I dont need sympathy.I've survived this long.I can do it longer.And why now? after all this time?

"A w-will? All these years I lived in an orphanage and then the homeless shelter...and now there's a WILL??!!??" I pinch the bridge of my nose and start pacing."Why was this kept from me? what else is there?" I say breathing heavily. I'm so angry right now.and confused.

"There are a few things miss Lavery. You need to come to my office first . I'm afraid this isnt the best of places to discuss such tender matters.Please calm down Ella." He says with a stern voice.I take deep breaths to calm down and try to say with a steady voice. " I'll be there tomorrow."

"See you then Ella." He says with a nod and leaves to rush out of the back alleyway with me following the same path . 

A new day. A new beginning. But I'm a ball of nerves. Sweaty palms,shaking hands,wobbling knees;you just name it! get your shit together El!! Its just a meeting.A meeting about my parents' will. Oh my God. This is torture.

Do I wear something professional? or something casual? For Christs sake!! This is where I really think I should have made a few friends.But its not easy to trust anyone. How would I know they arent just using me? How would I know they wont leave me when i need the most? 

  I guess i'lll just go for both ... a bit casual and a bit prefessional. As i get ready, I notice my clothes are a bit looser than before. Going hungry once a meal does that to you I guess. Heaving a sigh I walk out the door with all the important documents I have.

As I am about to open the cafe , I'm halted in my tracks by an eerily familiar voice."Hello munchkin".

I ball my fists to restrain myself from snapping out and creating a scene in the busy morning traffic. I turn aroun to find Adrian smirking at me while leaning against the lamp post by the diner's entrance. "You've got enough nerve to be even this close to me. I don't have time for your bullshit. Get the hell away from me or you'll regret it." I say through clenched teeth and fish for the keys to the diner. 

As I'm about to enter he snickers behind me "Still got the same fire in you I see. What are you gonna do baby? call your daddy? Oh snap! you don't got one.Lets get real babe. I'm out of prison. And I can do whatever I want ,wherever I wanna be;I'll fucking BE. I dont need YOUR approval." By this point we were both breathing hard,glaring at each other and standing toe to toe.All of a sudden his eyes flicker behind me. His expression hardens and he composes himself while whispering "This isn't the end of it.Munchkin." 

I hear footsteps close to where we are and I turn around to see none other than the same guy from yesterday shuffling through his briefcase while balancing his phone.I bust out laughing, but I'm quick to cover my mouth. No use though. He looks up and caches my gaze. But unlike yesterday,he doesnt smile at me. Huh.

As I turn around again, Adrian is nowhere to see.Good riddance. He is a part of my past I'd rather not think about. As soon as I enter the diner and start cleaning Samantha and the guy enter together. Both with a scowl. I can only hope they did'nt sleep together.God only knows she's a walking STD.

"Hello! what can I get for you today?" I say with a kind smile."I'm Harry.A cream latte with two sugars. A croissant if you have one. Thank you." He says with a frown. Jeez... What did I do?
"Coming right up! Sammy,um... theres something I need ti talk to you about. If you'll excuse us Harry?" 

"Sure. Go ahead. Who's sammy?" he looks so confused.OH! So they have'nt been introduced yet. "I am,Harry, the owner of this very Diner. Ella just works here." she says while twirling her hair. "I'll be right back" 

"I drag Sammy out of there and into the supply room. " I cant be here today. I need to do some chores please. Can I have an Off today? " Sammy listens with a bored look.After a few moments she shakes her head. "No. You can't. Step out of this place and you're fired." I gasp out loud "B-but why?"

"You're useless. Ypu daydream way too often. You're not pretty. You just scare away the customers. It was meant t obe honey. You heard me. You're fired!" If I was nervous before, I'm devastated now.How will I make the ends meet? This was my only job!!

With tears streaming down my face, I walk away.Only to collide with none other than Harry. He holds me steady while I try to hide my pathetic face."Heyy.. look at me.Beautiful girls don't cry.Whats the matter? Let me help you", he coos to my ears. 

"It was meant to be"

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