Chapter-12- Be with you

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"I can't sleep and I'm up all night
    Through these tears I try to smile
  I know the touch of your hand
     Can save my life"

Enrique Iglesias ~ Be With You

::::Harry's POV:::::

I rushed out of Ella's room in a hurry. I hurt her, even if it was unintentional.But,still... I hurt her and the thought does not sit well with me.I felt so guilty to not have seen it before.To have failed her as her best friend,as a protector.I don't know what happened to her but I know it will take her so much time to heal.She's traumatised now.I could see it ... Hell...even I could feel it in her voice.The panic she was in when she woke up.

And I wanted nothing more than to inflict this pain upon that arsehole.My detective found out he had an affair with Ella's mom for a while and lusted after Ella.He's suspecting Carter was the one behind her parents' death.But before all of that, Ella's father Richard dissolved Carter's business and named it after Ella.Richard was a rich man but hid all of that and worked for the police as an undercover agent.

Funny thing is Ella has no clue what went down in the past .I'll protect her from all of that until and unless she's prepared to hear the truth.I wonder what secrets her father's locker holds. That must be the last of the puzzle piece.Oh and I absolutely forgot to mention how Richard  was wealthy even after being just an undercover agent.He was my Goddamned uncle.He went missing and lived in a completely different city.

That makes it all the more twisted.Ella is my cousin.That thought didn't sit well with me.But on further investigation I found Ella's mother was Richard's second wife and Ella is not Richard's daughter.That made things easy for me.But still everything was so messed up.My mind couldn't process one thought and I had to worry about the other.

I couldn't be near Ella.It was killing me inside seeing her in so much pain.Knowing I couldn't do anything about it, I felt pathetic.The nurses,doctors and other people waled past me... but all that I could think of was Ella behind the door I was staring at.How much pain she must be in.The thought itself made me want to rush in and hold her.To kiss her allover to ease the pain away.To take it all in so she didn't have to suffer.

Being completely immersed in my anguish I didn't hear my sister call my name.She wrapped her arms around me and tried to hush me.I was breathing too loud and had my fists clenched.Slowly and eventually I gave up and eased into her arms."Are you okay harry? I heard what happened and rushed here as soon as I could.Is she okay?"

"No." I chocked on my own word and just couldn't stop my tears anymore.After 12 years of pretending to be a rude asshole,I finally broke down on my sister's warm embrace.I was dry heaving and plain out wailing for her.Everyone who walked by looked at me funny.Even I felt embarassed.But I was so torn and angry and...just... I couldn't stop.

Alex kept rubbing my back and patting my head.But nothing seemed to help until the door opened behind me and I heard her voice."Don't cry for me harry,'m fine. WE're fine.Don't let Carter win." I spun on my heels right there and stood gaping at her.

"What? Thought I would sit around all day because of some minor scratches and burns?" She smiled so big I blinked a couple of times to make sure what I saw was real."You-" My voice came out hoarse so I cleared my throat and tried again. "You're fine?"
She laughed at this.Then she winced."Not completely no.Just sore in places.But I'm fine as long as you're okay and here with me." Even when she was in pain,she wanted to make sure I was okay. What did I do to deserve her?

I smiled so big hearing this that my cheeks hurt.Alex slapped me on my arm right then."Stop being so cheesey you too.When can we take her home? "

The nurse who was standing along with Ella all along gave Alex a warm smile and said,"Just need to sign some documents and she should be good to go.COnfirm her diet and medications from the doctor and don't let her overexert herself.Complete bed rest for a week now,Ella."She said looking stearnly into her eyes.

"Okay" Ella replied meekly.Lets see how much my lil troublemaker actually cooks up a trouble for the both of us. I was glad in a way Ella seemed okay for now.But what really happened in her house? I remember having the best of my day when I took her to manhattan and had a shopping spree with her.Then we went to the Zoo.She loved the aquarium and even played with the dolphins.

We had lunch right in the middle of the aquarium surrounded by millions of fish and dinner at the mile high club.Then I dropped her home in the evening.What happened in the span of just 14 hours.Was Carter already in her home waiting for her to arrive or did he jusst intrude on her at midnight? Both the scenes don't sit well with me.

I'll make sure he doesn't live to see the next sunrise.I had the evidence and I have enough proof against him to make him suffer in the prizon for a lifetime.Or rather maybe even corporal punishment.The thought alone brought me huge comfort.

But he isn't the only one.Being a rich asshole as I am ,I have aquired many enemies.They'd want Ella.She's just so pure and is so beautiful.I don;t know how to protect her anymore.I can't keep her caged up.All her life she's done everything on her own.She's a strong,independent.headstrong and stubborn little girl.How could I take her freedom away just because I want her?

How could I be so selfish ?? The sudden realisation wants to puch myself for even thinking that keeping her with me would make her safe.If anything,that way she'd be the main target of all things around her.Girls would send her hate for being my prime focus,papparazzi would swarm and monitor her every move.My business rivals would warm upto her to get into my business.Oh god what do I do?

I'll just have to let her go.I can't be who she needs me to be.I can't fall in love and I certainly can't be the man to pretect her.To look after her.All I am is danger.To her heart,to her life and even her health.I'll just have to make sure she hates me and doesn't associate with me as much.Even if it hurts,thats exactly whats right for her.

Oh noooo haryyyyyy
you can't do that!!
just when things go right!! ugh!
hopefully he doesn't do something stupid.

just vote and comment like crazy if you want an early update :)
merry christmas everyone :)
Much love,
Ana :) Xx

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