Chapter-18- nothing good stays

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I was stading with my back to the door and panting heavily.My skin was covered in goosebumps and I was blushing furiously. Hot Damn!

As I calmed down a bit I realised I had the best opportunity to tease harry.Just like hhe was suggesting.Why didn't I just play along to his game? It would have ben fun to see him flustered for a change.He's always composed and... just perfect. It would be nice to see him as the human he is.

I was startled by the sudden knock on the door."You know El, I can practically hear your thoughts about me" I could just picture him smirking at me. I gasped at his audacity and open the door and stood with my arms crossed.

"Are you here to tell me you're a vampire or something, or more like 'Edward Cullen' that you can 'hear my thoughts' " I said with quotation marks and a scowl on my face.He gulped hard and was staring at me with darkened eyes.

I looked down and noticed I had dropped the towel. Oh shit ! I panicked and then realised... why not tese him...NOW?

"Am I that distracting H?" He closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "N-no Not distracting" He siad with a hoarse voice.

After coughing, he said in a even tone, "Do you want me to do something we might regret El?". He came closer to me and said in a whisper close to my ears.

"I can do what you need me to do.You've just got to day the word ,El.I'm here for you.But I know you don't want me to.You're not ready yet." he kissed my cheek and bent down. 

then wrapped me in my towel. "I respect you and your innosence Ella. I wouldn't touch you until you want me to.Not until you're ready.Trust me I'll know when.You've been through a lot recently, just enjoy it all while you can. I don't want you to regret being with me.Ever."

I was stunned with his speech.I cluched my towel tighter and thought.. Yes.Indeed I'm not ready.Maybe I'm not innosent.But still I'm not ready to give him my all.I was so greatful for him to understand me.For him to respect me enough.He was kind, he was considerate,he was..... everything I've always wanted.Then why couldn't I give in? What was stopping me?

Harry wiped away my tears which I wasn't even aware existed until now.Why was I getting so worked up over it? He then hugged me to himself so tight.It wasnt suffocating,no.It was comforting.I felt right at home.He was my home.

"Don't cry El,I only meant for you to be comfortable with me. Sure I want you. I want you so bad Ella. You're always on my mind. You've beguiled me completely.

You've got no idea how much affected I am by you. But I feel responsible too. I can't hurt you. Life has hur you enough. All I wanna do is take care of you.

Look after you.

Protect you.

Cherish you.

Only YOU! "

I was just listening to his words and silently crying.Why couldn't I love him back? 

"H-harry I ca-can't "

He just shushed me and held me tighter.You don't need to El, just let me in.Let me take care of you.Let me help you.

I nodded along and whispered .... "baby steps"

                         "Baby steps"

We were lying on the couch and just being in each others ars.The TV long forgotten and just a hushed sound in the background.Harry was slowly running circls along my back and I was just enjoying it. 

"Why isn't Brenda here yet Harry?" I asked intrigued.She was never late and it was well past 11.She was meant to be here at 9.

"I gave her the day off.Just me and you remember?" he said while kissing my head.I nodded along and yawned.

"Thunder kept you up El?" He asked chuckling.

"You wish Styles. I'm just bored and relaxed."than I realised with a start.

"Who's making lunch and dinner?" Harry just shrugged.

"Harry ??!!?? "

"Made reservations at your restaurant.We could eat there.You could get a jist of things around too."
Well now that I think about it.The plan seemed amazing.

"Perfect! " I smiled big and kissed his nose.

"You missed! My lips are in here. And me or plan? " he said with wiggling brows. 

"Oh shut up you goof !!" I leaned in and kissed him on his lips this time. Then pulled him up and together we went our separate ways to get ready for our lunch date.

Being out in the fresh air for the first time felt good. Everything was perfect just the way it was. But then a thought came back to me.

"Harry, I'd like to join your company. I want to give this restaurant back to its rightful owner. My dad was wrong in taking it away from Carter. I don't want to keep something that isn't mine to keep. I'd like to sell the mansion too. And maybe invest it for a new company .What do you think?"

He seemed to ponder for a while. I was looking up at him in fascination. "I'll think about it a bit more. Your idea seems nice. But after what things you went through, I don't think he deserves it anymore." He said with a frown.

"But if that's what you really want, I'll see what we can do. You're just too smart to lose Ella." His smile was so warm and contagious. I couldn't help but return his grin.

Everything was just the way it was meant to be.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled into Harry's chest and whirled around followed by  a gunshot and looked to my right to see Harry bleeding through his left arm and  clutching at it with his left. Panicked I looked around to see his driver rushing to his side with a mobile on his ear.

Can I never stay in bliss?

Why is my life always in such a cacophony?

Its all my fault. He wouldn't be hurt if it weren't for me.

I'll leave him as soon as I can. I can't stay. I can't be yours. This is why I never get attached.

But he needs me and I'll be with him so long as I know he'll be safe.

Hello guys!!
sorry for the late update. I promise to update sooner next time

Ana Xx :)


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