Chapter-15- If only

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:::A/N :::
Most of the characters in my story are adults and there's bound to be some mature scenes up ahead. I'll try my best to steer clear of smut but knowing the fandom, I'm sure you wouldn't want me to.
Still I feel responsible for a fair warning.From this chapter onwards,there will be mature scenes.My story might even get rated-R.Just a heads up.


::::::Ella's POV::::::

I was heating up the dinner and humming to myself while I could hear Harry rummaging through his drawers across from me. I was leaning on the counter contemplating how much weird and agitated he looked when I entered the living room. Or I must have been too tired to see things differently. I looked up to see him in a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips.I was seeing him without clothes for the first time and I was enamoured.

He was tattooed.Who would have thought? Randomly inked in diferent places of his body which he cleverly covered up with his choice in clothing.He wasn't heavily muscled but still had hard muscles. When I looked up into his eyes,he was smirking at me.

" Enjoying the show?" His voice was a breathy gruff baritone and I was fixed.I was hooked.I wanted to reply oh so badly.To deflate his ego with some witty and sarcastic jab , but I couldnt.I was in a trance.He shook his head and headed towards the shower. My eyes following his movements like a predator.

As soon as he was out of sight, I groaned into my palms. I think its safe to say that I badly needed to get laid.He's my friend.

What was I thinking?

But he looked so hot!!

Sometimes I really hated myself for having these thoughts.I took a deep breath to calm my hormones.I'm sure its because I was hungey. Or horny. Or both. I turned around to stir the gravy and pour its contents.While I was pouring, I felt two arms wrap around my torso and was overwhelmed with a musky woodsy scent and lavender. I sighed in pleasure.

He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck and left a kiss on my sholder."Smells good.But you smeel so much better.I was hoping you would join me in the shower.I could help you." The thought alone makes me feel hot.I was beathing heavily.

He kept kissing my shoulder and caressing my stomach with his other hand while he held my hips with the other.I could feel his naked torso behind me and that made goosebumps arise allover my skin.He hummed in satisfaction.When I turned around in his arms \, He wasn't there.

I was just lost in a daydream even if it was almost 1 in the morning.Fantastic! I could still hear the shower running.Shaking my head I resumed serving our dinner.

When Harry finall came out,he was dressed in grey pyjama bottoms and was bare chested.I blushed and tried to hide my face behind my hair.He took his seat across from me and picking up his fork started separating his chicken. 

"There's something we need to talk about.This whole week I've been sort of doing a rescearch or... investigation.I found out certain things about us and I wanted to see how much valid they were.I need you to know that you can trust me.I would never do anything to hurt you.But I had to keep certain things from you to keep you safe." He looked at me pointedly.

I just nodded along.Still in a daze."ELLA!! I'm serious.Please don't hate me or try to distance yourself for what I'll have to tell you tomorrow.Please."

"Okay.Baby steps.I remember." I said with a smile and held his hand above the table.He seemed to relax and smile back.

If only things remained as easy and calm between us forever.If only life was as easy and simple as people made it out to be.If only......

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