Chapter-5- Just another Girl

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"All of my friends say I should move on
She's just another girl
Don't let her stick it to your heart so hard
And all of my friends say it wasn't meant to be
And it's a great big world
She's just another girl" 

The Killers - Just Another Girl

::::  Harry's POV  ::::

Its been two days and still... I cannot fathom as to why I can't get her out of my head.Its as if she's a broken record playing in my subconscious mind. Busy or not, Day or night , Asleep or wide awake.She's always there. 


Just thinking about her made me excited.Pretty blue eyes,lush brown hair , pink pouty lips and just... beautiful. Yes,that's all I could think of her as...beautiful.Even when she was crying in my arms.I felt like my world crumbled.I hope to not witness that again.Her teasing bright eyes dimmed that very moment. I wanted to bash Samara or whatever shit name the owner of the diner had.Not that I would ever hit a woman.God no. But seeing Ella cry,I just wanted to.

Imagine my surprise when last night she called me out of the blue, to invite me to her new "job".I was hoping she would deem me as a stalker, and burn my card for being too forward with her.But with her.... It isnt like that. Its never like that. She always surprises me. I seem to loose my train of thought.I loose my equilibrium. 

That surely wont do!! I am not a girl.Surely she is beautiful, charming, honest. Yes...I know she's honest because I had her background checked.Being a millionaire has its perks.What people wont do for some money. I scoff . The scumbags who worship my feet just to get on my cards. Vermins!!!  the lot of them. 

I'll make sure I don't fall for this girl.She might be strong.She might be beautiful.But me....and her? Nothing more than friends.I cannot let her in my life.... not after... NO!! I cant think about it. I just have to make sure she knows where we;re going to stand. I'm not the one to be messed with! DAMMIT!

I realised with a start I've been mulling over her again. She's a witch. Ugh! Fucking hell. I jumped out of my skin almost when my blackberry beeped showing it was time for my next meeting. 

1....2...3... And my office phones comes alive showing my temporary "secretary" is calling me to most probably announce the arrival of my next client. With a devilish smile I pick up the phone."Send Pierre in" I didn't even wait for her to tell me it is Pierre indeed. I just knew.

"So-sorry sir, It Isn't him to see you. Its the new owner. She says she knows you. Its Ella Lavery sir." I grip the phone hard and the smile drops from my face.Ella lied to me? She owns a restaurant.Last I checked it was Pierre's.He was irresponsible and pretty much ruined the restaurant's reputation. Maybe Rodney gave me wrong information? But he's the best in his field.Maybe....

I was cut tout of my reverie by Suzie asking me in a small voice "Should I send her in?" 

"Ofcourse." I say with a hard voice. Lets see what lies Ella will feed me next. If you think you can play me. You've chosen the wrong player Ella. I always win

Dedicated to writetospeak . She's an angel .I loved all of her books . She has a wicked way of writing.. her story consumes you completely. And always expect the unexpected ;) 

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