Chapter-10- Beautiful soul

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"I don't want another pretty face
      I don't want just anyone to hold
   I don't want my love to go to waste
      I want you and your beautiful soul"

BEAUTIFUL SOUL ~ Jesse McCartney

I was shocked and went absolutely rigid in his hold.With a sigh he backed away and turned his back to me. I still refused to believe that just happened. My mind was a whirlwind. Why? I knew he had quite the reputation among girls.Why me?

But he didn't force me.It was just innocent,wasn't it? Or maybe not.All these years I never wanted to be friends with anyone, let alone being kissed.I hated any kind of intimacy. It made me weak, it made me vulnerable. I just couldn't let that happen knowing I was surrounded by vultures.But now... now I wanted it all,craved it even. But I just couldn't let myself be more trusting.I just couldn't do it even if I wanted it. 

I was so much consumed by my own thoughts I almost missed the way harry kept grumbling to himself and ran his hands through his hair, so much it was starting to look overly frizzy.I wanted to apologize for ruining the cheerful mood we were in. Hell even I wanted to say it was okay... but it wasn't. It wasn't okay for him to kiss me like that.

"Ella. I- " he ran his fingers through his hair again then breathing deeply said ,"I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't realise you'd be so... You'd be so upset about it.I don't know why I did it really. I just wanted to. Ella I promise I won't -" 

This time I just couldn't see him be so anguished about it all and I knew it was wrong of me to hold it over his head. I was certain I felt something for him.I knew he wouldn't let me down like everybody else I ever knew.So I did the only rational thing I could think of. I reached up on my tip toes and held his neck with both of my hands and smashed my lips to his.

I guess it took him by surprise as it took him a few moments to get over the initial shock.Then the next thing you know,we were moving in sync.Soft,full lips coaxing one another into a world of oblivion.Nothing else mattered at that moment.It was just the two of us, his distinct cologne engulfing me all around.HIs sweet aftertaste of the many candies we chewed on the chopper and just him.

When it was getting too much for us to keep going,we let go but still kept a hold on each other. I tingled all over and blushed scarlet under his scrutiny.Did I do well? Was I a good kisser.Oh God I embarassed myself...didn't I? 

"I've never felt like this before.No one mattered to me before.I don't think I can let go of you anymore Ella. You're my everything now. the kiss.... Ella it was like everything so far was just ...bland compared to the what happened right now in this moment. You're just... you never cease to surprise me." he said with a warm smile and making me bask in all of his glory and feel much....much better than before.

I think... I think I've started to loose my heart.But do I really want to?

:::::::AUTHOR'S NOTE:::::

Aww.... finally Ella seems to have letting it go. It all seems just perfect for them. But...for how long ?

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thank you for choosing to read it.I really appreciate all of you 

ana :) Xx

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