Chapter-6- Try

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"Where there is desire
   There is gonna be a flame
 Where there is a flame
   Someone's bound to get burned
 But just because it burns
   Doesn't mean you're gonna die
 You've gotta get up and try "
           TRY- P!NK 

:::::  Harry's POV ::::::

I hear a faint knock on my office door and I mumble a "come in" knowing its Ella.As she enters, the first thing I notice is her tired face.Bags under her eyes.Sleepless night. Typical college student move. Must have been out partying and now is hungover. The thought of her drunk at a random party,vulnerable, does not bode well with me. 

Anger flares up within me knowing someone might have touched her."Long night ?" I snapped at her. Taking a deep breath I take a new turn. " So. A new job huh? or... an Owner. " I narrowed my eyes at her. She had a huge bunch of folders.Did'nt she have a bag to carry them around ?

Noticing my stare she shuffled forward and said sarcastically " Good morning Harry. How are you ?" As I narrowed my eyes further, she explained. "Sorry. So sorry I was handed over a mansion and a restaurant in my father's will, which, might I add I did'nt even know existed until 2 days now. And I also apologise that I thought I could surprise you with the news. And the fact that I had a 'long night' trying to go through all the charts and documents of the restaurant and catching up with it"

Hearing her being all sarcastic and sassy with me, I was at a loss for words.When I thought I figured it all out. She just had to surprise me again.So she was busy at home,working. Well... that relaxed me. She was safe. And she did'nt lie to me either. She just wanted to surprise me

"I ... I thought you lied to me." I said as a way of explanation and then added. "Please take a seat Ella. Did you have anything to eat ?" 

At this she blushed and said," No . I overslept and did'nt want to be" she shrugged.

"Me either.We can go out for something to eat after ? " I asked hopefully. what are you doing Harry, just friends.Remember?

"That would be great. Why did you arrange for a meeting with Pierre as soon as I gave you the address? I don't quite understand." She said with furrowed brows.

"I- um.... I  wanted to make sure he treated you well." At this her brows notch up and almost hides behind her hairline. Yeah, I know... Even I sound overprotective and insane to me. What can I do, can't see you hurt or cry,El.

  :::::: Ella's POV :::::::

Harry has been acting strange today.One moment He's all angry and furious, next he's calm and smiling. Its really hard to keep up. But that's what makes it all the more exciting I guess. 

"So, thats all I got my hands on last night about the restaurant. I wanted to see the mansion today evening. Would you accompany me? I hope there are no cobwebs and bats hiding around in it." I shudder just thinking about all those horror movies with abandoned mansions and castles. 

Harry laughes heartily at this. "It isn't funny!!! " I huff at him. "Oh yes Ella, It is. I'll help you move in too." he says with a pleasant smile.

 I take my time watching him  as he reads through my scribbles last night. furrowed eyebrows with his forefinger and thumb pinching his lower lip. Occasionally he bit his lip and swiped his tongue across it . I was so lost in watching him read carefully my report on the restaurant, I did'nt notice when his eyes snapped up and he caught me staring at him like a piece of art.

Way to boost his ego Lavary. 

Then.... he smiles so big. As if he found what hes been looking for. But oh his smile. Can someone get any more handsome than he is? I sure hope not. 

"You seem distracted. I asked are you allergic to anything? I'll then think of someplace to have breakfast ... " he looked at his watch and with a frown said " Or rather lunch as promised.I did'nt realise we have been cooped up here for most of the day." 

I was beyond embarrased.It was one thing caught staring at him and it was a completely different and more embarrasing thing to have been so engaged in staring that I did'nt even hear him speak. 

"Not that I'm aware of. I just ... don't like seafood. Everything else is just fine." I said with a bright smile hoping to make him forget about my being 'lost' earlier. 

"Allright then, lets head out. I think I just know the place for our first .... hangout " He didn't seem pleased about the word "hangout" but somehow...I think that is exactly what he meant. 
Walking together down the lobby I slowed my pace every now and then to admire the art hanging on the walls. They were just so beautiful. 

Noticing my lack in speed, Harry held my hand. Or I hope that was the case. His large hands completely enveloped mine. It felt warm and... right. I felt like ... it  belonged there.I felt safe and calm. 

I didn't even notice we reached the lobby until he stopped all of a sudden and I ran into him .


My nose hurt. Like really really hurt. I never realised he was this strong.All hard muscles and iron like body. I followed his gaze at a stunning blonde girl looking really pissed off at the receptionist. 

"Lets go Ella." Harry said in a hard voice and pulled me along. I bit my tongue from saying a sarcastic comment,knowing it isn't the right time for that. He was the one who stopped to stare,not me. But why was he avoiding her ? Who was she ?


"Don't bother with her. I hope she doesn't bother you either. " Harry said with his uncanny ability to answer my unasked question. Before I could charm my answers through him , he put his finger on my lips ,silensing me.

I pouted like a toddler at him. Trying real hard to ignore the flames burning through me at his touch. He looked at me in awe too.So.... I'm not the only one affected by it.

"Pick a colour- blue or red" when I looked confused.He chuckled at me. "Its just a colour.Just pick one."


"Ahh... my favourite." With that , he just gave the valet at the door his keys and minutes later came a sparkling oceanic blue Audi. Wow.... Just how many cars does he own..?

"Six of them... for different purposes ofcourse.Don;t look so cross.I earned them." Is he some psychic..?

"You're something else,Styles." I say and glide in the door he's opened for me.

No matter how hard it is to resist him , I know I have to. I need to try not to loose my heart. That's the only thing I have. Only thing I know I can keep safe , if I just ...try


This chapter is dedicated to another of my favourite writers, DaniGomes Her story damaged is just absolutely amazing. If you haven't given it a read, you should!!

What do you think harry is upto now? will he break her heart or would he mend it?
how about Ella? 

vote+comment please :)

much love,
ana :) Xx

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