Chapter-11- Unbreakable

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"I've been touched by the hands of an angel
   I've been blessed by the power of love
  And whenever you smile
   I can hardly believe that you're mine" 
Unbreakable ~ Westlife

::::::Harry's POV ::::::

Yesterday was an amazing day for me. I can't believe Ella is warming to me.She was so closed off and sad. I thought it'd take me ages for her to trust me.Reluctantly... but she does.And its a miracle,really.But the thing I can't seem to wrap my head around is the fact that I've actually started persuing her. Me of all people... she was nowhere near the kind of girls I usually go for.Yet here I am planning what to text her this morning as a greeting.I've deleted eight of them already.I'm now seriously considering a trip to some therapist.Something is really wrong here.

Then I get a phone call from her.Well thats a first.I saved a different song just for her."Missed me?" I said with a smile knowing she would.We had an amazing day together afterall.But what came out of her mouth next, chilled me to the bone and I almost had a panic attack right then and there.Almost.

"Harry please.Dont talk.Record it all and bring the police.I've been held hostage.I-I don't have much time.He- he'll come back soon.I'll need an ambulance too.Don't make much noise...he'll run away.Hurry please." she was whispering and chocking on her own words.I fiddled with the record button and started recording for evidence.Then turning the soind to mute so she can't hear me I made a call to the police and my personal doctor .

And soon I was on my way to her mansion.I grabbed a long pea coat from my sofa  and hurried out .Oh god what she must have gone through.How could I have been so oblivious ? I shouldn't have let her stay alone without security.Oh please let nobody touch her. I was breathing heavy and going under panic attack.Taking deep breaths I ran towards her house.It was just a couple of blocks away anyways.Soon my mind conjured up images of her beaten and bloody and I clenched my fists in anger.If I reached before the police, I'll kill the man responsible for it. How could someone dare touch her.

All the while heavy breathing and sniffles came from  the earphones I had plugged in my ears. Then came a loud bang. I was almost near her house now.I didn't care about the honking cars or the shouting pedestrians,all I knew was my Ella needed me and I couldn't be there for her.I had to reach her.To save her. To protect her.God damn it!! I promised her.

Funny how everything looked so calm and peacefull on the outside, but my Ella was being tortured inside.She wasn't the one to cry. She was strong.But for her to cry like that over the phone.I was worried.I was worried  for everything. But I was glad.So glad she called me.Trusted me.

Then came the ear peircing scream ."No- no please. NO! please.. don't do this Carter let me go..don;t hurt me... no-no-no-no-no- NOOOO!!!  HELP MEEEE!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" And then came the distinct sound of cloth ripping.... oh my god... And I just couldn't wait for the police anymore.I rushed through the back door and went straight to the basemnt. I found her baseball bat  on my way and smiled  at the fond memory.Who  knew I'll be using it today.

"Carter no!! Ahhhhhhhhh! No more hurts.. please." Then I heard him snickerring."Oh no muchkin,I'm just getting started.Your daddy dearest took away my everything.And now... I'll take away the last of his prized posession.Until now? I wanted you... Wanted to have you.But you being the brat you  always  just had to ruin my plans."

As I reached the basement what I saw disgusted me . I almost threw up in the mouth. Then I was angry. No... not just angry, I was furious.There she laid naked with blood pouring down her scalp and nose. Her arms were cut from her shoulders and she had burn marks on her thighs.Enraged, I swung the bat straight at his head and he whirled around trying to hit me .But I was faster and hit him where the sun don't shine.Now take that fucker.You won't be able to have kids,Ever.Soon there were heavy footsteps and  six policemen ran to hold onto him.Serves him right. "Don't you dare get anywhere near her!! Next time it jst wont be your dick.I'll chop your head off."

Then I took off my coat and covered her with it . Making sure I dont touch her cuts or burns, I lifted her up into my arms and carried her upstairs to her bedroom. All the while she hid her face in my neck and cried silently.I don't say anything giving her the space she needed.For now.

Clearly she's embarrased because I had to see her naked.  Just as I reached the living room , Mr. Addison entered with a nurse. I gestured him to follow me upstairs. Lying her on the bed I tried to leave.But she holds onto my shirt and whispers "stay please.I need you here."  I sat down  right next to her and  kissed her forehead.She looked at me with gratitude and closed her eyes.The nurse then removed my coat and gasped. "Please Mr.Styles you need to get ice immediately.We need to take her to the hospital,she'll need stitches"

I do as told and call an ambulance this time.Hope she remains strong through this.She means the world to me.I can't afford to loose her.I was loosing my mind over how this one incident could ruin how much we had built over what little time we had together.

As I go to the kitchen to fetch some ice shaving from the fridge.I see for the first time the picture taped to it.It was of the two of us from a magazine.The paps sneakily took a picture of us outside my office one day and called her my latest 'fling' if only they knew she was more than that.She was so much more than just that.

::::::::::::::Ella's POV:::::::::::::::::

My whole body was feeling sore.I was thirsty too.Slowly I opened my eyes to the harsh bright room.It hurt to keep them open and I groaned out loud.Immediately my hand was taken in a warm hand and I panicked.I tried to scratch it out.Not again.No.Carter can't hurt me again.

"" I tried calling for him.I can't let Carter get to me again.Where is harry.He saved me yesterday.Why did he leave me alone?

"Its me Ella, calm down.Don't exert yourself.I've closed the blinds." I opened my eyes to see that the lights were dimmed and it was better now. Harry looked like he went through a hurricane.That thought alone made me giggle.He jerked his head back up to look at me incredulously.

"Amusing you now,am I? You've been unconscious for the past three hours.I was so worried.What happened?" And just like that my mood shifted.I was scared again. I couldn't breathe.

"Oh no..ELla...breathe with me please.I'm sorry.I shouldn't have brung that up.I'm so sorry." HJe hugged me tight and I winced. It hurt. "I'm such a mess today.I forgot about your cuts." He distanced himself from me.No..please come back.As if reading my expression he came closer and took the cup of water beside the table and lifted it to my lips.I took a few sips of water tentatively.

A couple of drops glided across my cheeks but he was quick to wipe it off with his thumb."Please talk to me,I need to know.And you're moving in with me no questions asked." He looked angey and frustrated.Like it was my fault I was attacked.

"Bu-" I started protesting, but being the brute he is he cut me off !! Always the bossy guy. huh.

"No Ella. You're safety is most important to me.He was interrogated.And clearly you knew him and still didn't care to think how dangerous it was to live alone without security.I won't let you stay alone anymore.Either you move in with me,or I'm moving into your house.But since you're not much attached to this mansion.I would like you to be with me.Please Ella. I want you with me." He looked absolutely devastated now and all I could do was nod in agreement.

"Good then. You're things will me moved first thing tomorrow morning.I'll let the nurse in and she could check your vitals." With that he hurried off the room just like that.

He's definately a storm. And I still can't figure him out.Smiling I shook my head at his bluntness. We're the same.Unbreakable,strong and stubborn.

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