Chapter 23

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"I have to go Harry, you don't see it now ,but you will soon. We were never meant to be. I've always been on the run. I've always been in darger and I care too much about you to let anything hurt you in any way. I'd rather it be me than you , Harry. I want you safe. You have a family who cares for you, Harry. I can't take that from you. I have no-one, It doesn't matter if  I survive or not.  


I yelled out at him in frstration and started to sqirm around to geet his hold on me to loosen a bit but he seemed adamant to not let me go at all.I could hear our harsh brathing mingling together and his occasional grunts to hold me in place.

I finally gave up and asgged against him. He  was too strong for me to fight anymore. Even if a rational part wanted me to run away. My heart wanted to stay in his embrace for as long as I could. I wanted to feel safe and loved for as long as I could. He was all I had, he was all I needed.

But.... I had to be strong. I had always been strong. I've always been self sufficient. I knew that I had to be strong enogh to keep my head high and keep surviving. I didn't need a man to complete me. I just needed a man to compliment me. That was the truth of life .

But now on hindsight I could see how much I have been leeching off of Harry. His mom was right about me. I was the nasty girl here. 

"Stop it Ella, stop overthinking things. You know you mean the world to me. I wouldn't do anything to change that. I need you here with me. Don't leave me El , please .I might have a living family , Ella. But they're better iff without me. All I want is you. All I need is you. Why can't you see that? " 

His voice cracked mid way off his speech and he let out a strangled sob right after. My heart was breaking seeing him like this. But this had to be done. I was never good enough for him anyways. I shook my head.

What was I thinking? Just because his mom said something rude, I'm leaving the only person who's been through hell and back for me? When did I become so selfish I didn't consider he needed me too? I- I was being selfish.Again ! 

As I looked up he too was shaking his head to himself and with sloched shoulders walked across the room towards the windows. He looked as if he was sooo exhausted. He was....defeated. Did I do that to him? Did I really mean so much to him? Did he.... Love me?

All thoughts went out the window .. well not literally, when he slammed his fist on the window pane and it cracked. Well would have been better if it broke. Gosh Ella, it isn't the time to be distracted! do something! 

But what?

I scrambled off the wall and ran my way to him . I knew he'd catch me if I fall. And catch me he did. 

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