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"Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?"
Everytime ~ Britney Spears

Its been two days I've been living with Harry.He's been far more grumpy and just.... Cold.He would wake up early in the morning make breakfast for us both and leave without a word.I had to stay home by myself.Not that I minded being left on my own, but I was hoping he would atlest be home a bit more considering how much excited he was about me staying with him.He would come home late at night,eat his dinner and go straight to his study. I didn't want to disturb his routine,so I kept my quiet.He would answer my questions in monosyllables anyway.

I don't know what changed things,What I did wrong, but something tells me it wasn't all me.I was worried if I was being a burden or if he was tired of me.But as soon as the thought came,I pushed it away.He was blunt,he would have said so.I'm sure I'm not being a burden on him.

I borrowed his laptop yesterday for I got bored of watching sitcoms.That just isn't me.I had to work.SO, the second best option was to stay in contact with my staff and all the things that went around in my restaurant.I changes a couple itms in the menu yesterday and so far, it worked.

I had benda for company during day time.She was Harry's housekeeper and came along at nineish in the morning.She dusted the furniture and cooked lunch and prepared for dinner.All I had to do was heat it up.She was a kind woman and had two kids at home.I asked her to bring them along today so I could pass my time a little better.She seemed uncomfortable about it, but agreed at last.

Here I was awaitong their arrival while eating the pancakes Harry made for me this morning.Brenda unlocked the door and came in with a beaming smile and two toddlers hiding behind her."Hello there.I got you some candies right here." I showed them a bag of jelly beans and they rushed to me.

"uh uh.... What do you say first?" I ased with a smile putting the bag away.They pouted.The girls were really adorable with blonde hair in pigtails and wearing matching outfits.Most adorable twins ever!!

"Cam we pweaase have thim" I giggled at how adorable they sounded chorusing together. "Sure, only if you tell me your names" I said while giving them the bag.

"I'm Salah and she's shuzzie" She said with a frown and looked at Brenda for confirmation.She nodded back vigorously and was definately pleased by the way her kids were interacting with me.

"Allright sarah and suzie, since I gave you my bag of candies,would you play with me while mommy works in the kitchen?" They jumped up cheering and tackled me in a crushing hug. Uh oh.

I winced at the sudden pain that occured in my ribs.I was still bruised all over.They jumped apart and had tears in their eyes. "I'm so sorry Miss, mummy said to be careful with you.You were hurt.WE didn't mean to hurt you anymore."She had a guilty look on her face while Sarah stared at her feet guiltily.

Brenda came running back towards us. "I told you not to jump around.She invited us over. Don't make her move to much.OKay?" She scolded her in a hushed voice.I felt guilty for causing all this."Its okay Brenda,she was just excited.I'm sure it won't happen again.right?"

They both nod in unison and I pat the spot right next to me for them to sit.They each sit on my either side and stare up at me in apprehention.Oh

"Here's what we'll be playing today.we'll each take turns and make the other person say the alphabets.Then make them stop randomly.The letter they get stuck at,all three of us has to write an animal, a city, a name and a thing starting with that letter.The first one to complete with all four-wins!!
Wanna play? Lets see if you can beat me to it!!"

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