Chapter 2

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The 4 kids were standing in the doorway of their parents' room and Henry turned to Louisa when they heard their mother say that she was leaving. "See? Grandmother was right."

"Grandmother said she had already left." Louisa shook her head. "Mom obviously heard you, idiots, earlier and this is why she's leaving."

Don and Meryl had no idea what was going on in their bedroom with their children, as they were too focused on what was happening with the other as they continued to stand in their closet. Don took a deep breath. "Baby, what in the hell happened? We had a wonderful morning. We were going to have another relaxing afternoon with the babies and spend some time in the hot tub later. I was hoping you'd wear that..."

"God damn it, Don, stop trying to protect me. Just let me protect you and do this." Meryl screamed as it was taking everything in her not to break down. "I'll get my own divorce attorney. You take Larry. The babies would be better off without you. I don't know where I'll go, but it probably would be better if we never had contact ever again."

Louisa glared at her siblings. "Mom is completely unraveling and it's your fault."

"Meryl, STOP!" Don yelled as he took the clothes from her hand throwing them to the corner of the closet. "What in the fuck are you talking about? Divorce lawyer? Never having contact again?"

Meryl collapsed in a heap on the floor. "Please don't make this any harder for me, Don, please. If you love me..."

" KNOW I love you, I love you more than anything in this whole world. That is why I am NOT going to let you do this. Not only because I love you more than anything, but because I know you love me just as much." Don sat down in front of her. "And I KNOW you better than anyone and anything."

Meryl put up her hands as Don tried to take her in his arms. "Don't, don't touch me. You touch me and I'll lose sight of why I am doing this."

"I am not letting you leave this fucking closet until we have this hashed this out and I convince you that YOU, Mary Louise Streep Gummer, are the BEST thing to EVER happen to me. You always will be." Don tried to inch closer to her, it was killing him not to be able to touch her, but whenever he tried to move closer to her then she moved away from him. "Don't you think I deserve to know why? Are you trying to tell me that these almost 35 years together mean nothing? That all the time we have spent together, with our children, all the things we have gone through, all the battles we have fought together, all those times we have made love mean NOTHING? Is that what you want me to believe. Because if you are willing to walk out those doors without giving me an explanation of ANY kind then that is what it is telling me. By just walking out, not having contact with me or our children, is telling me that not one second of these 35 years meant ANYTHING to you. However, I know your heart and soul, Mary Louise. I know that is nowhere near the truth. So, be honest. Be honest with yourself and me. Why do you think you need to leave?"

Mamie had tears in her eyes. "I can't listen to this."

"I can't either." Henry walked out of the room. "It's too hard."

Louisa stormed after her siblings. "You 3 created this!"

"That's why I can't watch." Grace said as she, Mamie and Henry sat down in the living room. "It hurts too much."

Louisa shook her head. "It hurts YOU too much? What about Mom? What about Dad? All of this could have fucking been avoided if you 3 would stop believing the worst about our parents. Last time, Dad almost fucking died in that car accident. What's next?"

"Which is why we are going to sit here." Henry told his sisters. "So we know that they have made up."

Louisa ran her fingers through her hair. "What if they don't? What if Dad can't talk Mom down this time? What then, huh?"

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