Chapter 32

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Don and Meryl had a relaxed night together and with the babies. Don was so relieved that none of his family tried to harass his wife. He was done with it. He knew that he could barely move at the moment, but if anyone came after his wife and children again, then not even Meryl would have been able to stop him. Don tried to tell Meryl she didn't need to wake up every few hours to check on him, but she told him until she was told otherwise by a doctor, then she would be doing just that. Don did notice that Meryl seemed more relaxed, and as much as he hated that she had a panic attack with Maggie, he was grateful that she was at least feeling better. The next day was much of the same, relaxing. Liz, Larry, Maggie, and Mike were doing EVERYTHING they could to protect Don and Meryl, and to give them the downtime they so desperately needed after the hell they had been through.


Don and Meryl spent the morning checking in on their kids, and with Third. Once they put the babies down for their morning nap, they decided to go see what was going on in the rest of the house. They walked into the den to Liz and Maggie laughing. "Mags, I think this is a great idea."

"I think we could all use some laughs." Maggie said writing some things down. "Now, we should have all of Don and Meryl's foods."

Don shook his head as he laughed. "And you haven't already been doing that?"

"I so appreciate you making Don's favorites because that means he will eat." Meryl winked at her husband as she helped him sit down on the couch, as he was still very sore and moving extremely slow. "However, you don't need to go to so much trouble, really. Actually, let me order the groceries and cook the next few..."

Liz held up her hands and shook her head. "Part of the reason of you 4 staying here is so that YOU, Meryl, will take it easy and heal. You are still recovering from your concussion; and you 4 just need to focus on each other."

"Another reason why we wanted all of you to stay here so desperately is that we are family, we take care of each other." Maggie said strongly. "Besides, if you hadn't stayed then I just would have flown out to New York to help you."

Meryl smiled at Maggie softly. "That means so much."

"So, what are you two conspiring?" Don couldn't help but laugh at the looks the two women gave him. "Mags, you have been my mother all my life; and Lizzie, I have known you almost as long. I know you two."

Liz looked at Maggie who nodded, so she decided to fill the Gummers in. "A family game night. The 6 of us, the babies, and Stacey. Stacey asked if she could bring a friend. I said yes. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not." Meryl said. "She has been through hell as well since Christmas with what that husband of hers did."

"Ex." Don rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around his wife. It was still hard for him to talk about his cousin's ex-husband considering they grew up together. Don was incredibly angry at him; and all he wanted was whatever was best for his cousin. "I think that sounds like fun."

Meryl smiled at Don. "But please don't go to any fuss. We could just have sandwiches or something. I could order..."

"Save your breath, baby." Don laughed as he kissed the top of her head. "I know those looks. They have it planned out."

Meryl shook her head with a laugh. "In that case how can I help?"

"You can relax with your husband and babies." Maggie said strongly. "Please, let us do this."

Liz raised her eyebrow at her good friend. "You aren't going to win, M."

"She's right." Don said with a laugh as he knew that all too well. "Where are Mikey and Chicken Shit?"

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