Chapter 10

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Stacey got Meryl back to Mike and Maggies as soon as possible. They were met at the door by Maggie, who was obviously crying and pulled Meryl into a hug. "They're going to find him, sweetheart. We are going to get him back as soon as possible."

"I can't bear to think otherwise." Meryl cried into Maggie's shoulder as she held onto her tightly. "I'm so glad we are staying here."

Maggie pulled away and kissed Meryl's cheek. "If you weren't already staying here, we would have brought you here."

"Hey, sis." Liz was trying to stay strong for Meryl as she hugged her. "They are working so damn hard to find him."

Meryl nodded as Stacey took Meryl's coat and hung it up, and her purse, though Meryl was holding her phone tightly. "I know they are." She then turned to Stacey. "I know you worked an all-nighter at the hospital last night. Please don't feel like you need to stay."

"I am not going ANYWHERE." Stacey said strongly. "Mags, how about I make us all some tea?"

Maggie nodded at Stacey who was like family to her as well. "Thank you, honey, you know where everything is. We will go to the den."

"Thanks, Stace." Meryl then grabbed Liz's hand. "Any word from Larry or Mikey?"

Liz shook her head. "They aren't leaving any stone left unturned."

"I'm sure." Meryl ran over to the pack'n'plays. "Oh, my sweet sweet babies."

Maggie wrapped her arm around Meryl's waist as she stood by her. "They have been absolute angels tonight."

"Mer, go sit on the sofa and we will bring them to you." Liz could tell that Meryl desperately needed to hold her babies, but could also tell that Meryl was very shaky and didn't want her to walk with the babies. Liz reached down and picked up Maggie. "Hey, Maggie Moo Moo, let's go see your mama."

Maggie did the same thing with Brady. "Shhh, sweet angel. Go back to sleep. We are just going to see your mommy."

"My babies." Meryl sobbed holding Margaret and Bradley close. "Oh, Mommy and Daddy love you so so so much." Meryl moved the babies to her lap so she could look at both of them, and that made her cry even more. "They look just like Don."

Maggie sat down next to Meryl with her arm around Meryl while Liz knelt down in front of her. Maggie leaned her head against Meryl's. "I remember when Don was this small, and they were spitting images. I was in high school, and felt bad for Jane, so I would often take Don. I even took him to classes with me when he was a baby."

"You did?" Meryl asked Maggie who nodded. "I never knew that."

Liz smiled tearfully at her friend. "They really are spitting images of him."

"If you asked him he would tell you they have my stubbornness and personality. Maybe Mags, but Brady is all his daddy. Such an even keel personality. Not much really gets to him. He just lays back, takes it all in, and doesn't get too worked up. Except when he's hungry, he is just like Don in that way. Don calls it hangry." Meryl broke down as she leaned her head against the babies' heads and sobbed as her heart broke. "They need him so much. Our older kids need him. And my god I need him more than anything. I just need to know he's okay. Every minute that ticks by..."

Stacey had come into the den and heard what Meryl was saying. She immediately went over to her after setting the tray of hot tea down, and knelt in front of Meryl, lifting her head up. "You listen to me, my cousin is the strongest man in the world. He is fine, I know it. He knows how much you love and adore and worship him. He often asks me how he got so lucky as to be married to a woman that loves him as much as you do." Stacey said as Meryl cried harder. "Soon, he will have these babies in his arms while he is in your arms; and then he will get to hug those other beautiful Gummer children whenever they get here."

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