Chapter 42

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"Okay, M, here you go." Don said as he helped Meryl from the wheelchair Stacey insisted she be pushed in, onto the MRI table. "Oh, here's the blanket."

Meryl smiled at him as he placed the blanket over her. "Baby, I'm really okay. I thought that a nurse or aide or something had to do all this."

"I'm related to the Chief of Staff." Don winked with a kiss to her head. "I get special privileges."

Meryl was glad that they were teasing back and forth. It made her feel that things were almost normal. "As long as those special privileges are with me only."

"Always,  hot stuff." Don said as he saw a nurse walk over with a syringe. "Uh, what is that for?" Don looked behind the nurse towards Stacey. "Stace? I thought we said NO sedative. She does not need to be knocked out."

Meryl loved how Don was so protective of her, and took his role as her medical advocate so seriously; just as seriously as she took her role as his. "Baby, I am sure there's a reason Stace ordered it."

"I actually asked for it, in consultation with Stacey." Liz said as she walked up to them. "Meryl, I know of your fear of confined spaces because of..."

It then hit Don why. "The warehouse and Mann."

"Yeah." Liz nodded. "It is just something to help you relax, especially with having to lay still."

Meryl nodded as Don kissed her hand. "I'm sorry, Darl, I should have thought of that."

"Always protecting me." Meryl winked at him and then looked over at Liz. "Thank you for staying."

Liz smiled softly at her good friend. "I just checked in with Mikey and Maggie, and the babies are perfect. Larry is still at the station. I want to be here."

"I asked Liz to sit in on the testing, as a second opinion so I make sure we don't miss anything." Stacey explained. "I hope that's okay."

"Of course." Meryl nodded with a small smile. "I am really glad you are here, thank you."

"So much." Don said. "I still get to stay, right?"

Liz nodded. "I am going to sit right here by Meryl during the testing to make sure the positions are correct."

"And I will be in the booth controlling everything. Nurse Annie, thank you, we have it from here." Stacey said to the nurse who had given Meryl the medication. "Don, you can join me in the booth. Meryl can hear you. You can hear her, though we do want Meryl to lay still. This is for yours and her protection."

It wasn't perfect, but Don was just glad he could be there. "Thank you."

"We appreciate everything you are doing, so much." Meryl explained as she looked at Don. "I will be fine, I promise. Baby, if you want to take a break and get something to drink, or..."

Liz laughed as she helped Meryl get into the position they wanted her to be in on the machine table. "Let me introduce you to your husband, Meryl."

"We can get something to eat and drink together, when you are through here." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "You'll be okay?"

Meryl nodded as she tried to be strong. She hated these damn machines. It brought up awful memories from being in the warehouse when she and Henry had been kidnapped by Mann, and it reminded her of when she was shot the second time Mann came around. However, she wanted to know what happened to her earlier that day, and she knew this was the way to get them. "I promise. I"

"I love you too, baby." Don said giving her another kiss. "Looks like the meds are taking affect."

Liz nodded with a smile. "I will be right here with her. We should probably get this done while she is relaxed."

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