Chapter 26

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Don woke up in a start. Visions of Brad's hands on his wife, trying to move her out of his way so he could get to Don. Don shook his head as he sat up, almost as if he shook his head hard enough then it wouldn't have happened. He was trying to breathe through his fear, and anger, and trauma. Seeing his wife curled up in bed next to him helped bring him back to the present. He was just so glad that she hadn't been physically hurt in this whole ordeal. He was worked up. He knew he couldn't go back to sleep, and judging by the time on the clock on his bedside table, he knew they hadn't been asleep for very long. He got out of bed, threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt just as he heard Brady starting to fuss. Don immediately went over to his son's crib and could tell it wasn't a hungry or dirty cry, Brady was unsettled. Don looked back at Meryl and noticed she was still asleep, which is what he wanted seeing as though he knew she had barely slept since all this started. Don knew he wasn't supposed to pick up the babies, but his son was upset and he wanted to be there for him. "Hey buddy, Daddy is here." Don said softly as he breathed through the pain picking Brady up caused. He then realized the large overstuffed chair was close, and that would be the best to sit with Brady. Don carefully walked over there, grabbing Brady's blanket from the end of his and Meryl's bed, and settled in the chair propping his feet up on the ottoman and Brady carefully on his chest. Smiling at how Brady curled up against his chest, not knowing his wife was awake and watching all of this in the dark. "Daddy is here, buddy. You're safe. Did you have a bad dream? Daddy did as well. I know they aren't any fun, but Daddy is here. I love you so much, Brady Boo, and your brother and sisters and your mama and your niece. I never want you to doubt that. I have doubted that too much from my parents, and I NEVER want ANY of you to feel that way." Don whispered with a kiss to his son's head, vocalizing something he had been thinking about. "You know, after you were born and your mama was busy fighting for all of us and your sister, I was told I had to name you right then. Months earlier, Mama and I talked about what to name our baby if we had a boy. I wanted a strong name, I wanted to name you after someone you could be proud of. I know your mom wanted to name you Don, but I wouldn't do that to you." Don said as Meryl smiled, unbeknownst to Don. "Your Grandpa Brown is someone to be proud of, and he has shown me what being a husband and father is all about and that is where your middle name comes from-Michael. At that time, I finally met my biological father. I really thought he was a good person, bubs, I thought he would be the perfect one to name you after. I was wrong, and I am sorry. Daddy was so wrong."

"No, he wasn't." Meryl said walking over to Don and Brady. "Room for another in that chair?"

Don nodded as he scooted over. "Always. I'm sorry, I was trying not to wake you up."

"I missed you." Meryl said with a kiss to his cheek and then a kiss to the top of Brady's head. "Is he okay? You know, you shouldn't have lifted him."

"He was having a nightmare like his Daddy, I think we just needed each other." Don said honestly. "I was fine. I needed to hold him."

Meryl wasn't going to lecture him about it, not now, not when he seemed so haunted by his nightmare. "I'm glad. Baby, want to talk about it?"

"It wasn't really a nightmare, it was a vision of Brad's hands on you. I couldn't settle down, and it seemed like Brady boy and I needed each other." Don said before he continued, telling her what I was thinking. "I've been thinking about how I shouldn't have suggested we named him Bradley. I didn't really know him. I thought I did. Then we named our son after HIM."

Meryl sighed as she leaned her head on Don's shoulder and kissed his neck. "You weren't wrong, Don. When you think of how we named him after Brad, I want you to remember the good times you had with him. The times you both connected. I know it is so hard to remember that right now, but I have to believe he really did love you, does love you. If I don't, then I think I might kill him for doing this to you." Meryl said as Don softly chuckled. "He has been ruined by Jane's toxicity. Brad is a part of your story, he is a part of our story, and he is a part of Brady's story. NEVER apologize for that. It is what we go through that makes us strong, and that is the strength we give to this little guy and his siblings."

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