Chapter 38

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"I am fine, I can walk." Mike said walking into the house from the garage with Maggie, Larry and Liz on all sides of him trying to help him. "I had a blood pressure and blood sugar and blood pressure episode, I am fine. We all know that Stacey wouldn't have released me if I weren't."

Don was standing beside the door and extended his hand to Mike. "Here, Pops, I'll help."

"Don, I love you, I love all of you." Mike said as he looked at the worried faces of his family. "I am fine. And Donny boy, I think we are the ones that need to help you."

Don noticed the smirk on his wife's face as she agreed with Mike. "You're not going to say anything?"

"I think he said it." Meryl winked at her husband as she kissed Mike's cheek. "We are so glad you are okay."

Mike sat down at the kitchen table after Maggie pulled out a chair for him, and he motioned to the others. "I am fine. Really. Sit."

"He is much better, obviously." Maggie smiled as she sat down next to her husband. "However..." She shot her husband a look. "Stacey does want him to take it easy for a few days."

Liz handed Mike a bottle of water. "It's a good thing we are all here then."

"It will definitely take all of us to make that happen." Larry then looked at his father strongly. "That also means NO work."

Meryl couldn't help but laugh at the look on Mike's face. "Well, we knew this would go over well."

"Larry and I talked and he will take over things for the next few days." Don began. "You WILL be the one to put those bastards behind bars."

Meryl nodded. "We sure don't want to take that away from you."

"And I will keep you in the loop on things, I promise." Larry pointed out. "This is just to give your body a few days to completely heal and gain your equilibrium, that way this won't happen again."

Maggie rubbed Mike's back. "It's a good thing we have a son who is as good of a prosecutor as his father, if not better."

"No need to go that far, Mags, even if it is the truth." Don winked making Mike laugh, which is what he wanted. "We want him to rest."

Mike was getting the message, and nodded. "I get it, I get it, and I am so thankful for the love and care of my family. I also want to say I'm sorry this happened and I scared all of you so much."

"It's just nice it's not us Gummers for a change." Meryl said as Don wrapped his arm around her shoulder causing them both to laugh. "We are just glad you are okay."

Liz nodded in agreement. "And we want you to eat in order to keep that blood sugar where it should be. So, what do you want us to fix you?"

"Do it up big, Dad." Larry teased as everyone shook their head at him. "Mom's pies and cobblers. Bad for you casseroles. Cream. Cheese. Salt. Ice cream."

Mike's eyes got big as he laughed. "My son really is the better man than I am, so everything that he said."

"It wouldn't hurt you to eat better." Liz nudged her husband. "Like Don."

Don didn't want to be brought into this and he held up his hands in surrender. "I would eat all of that if I could, it's my wife."

"And, Dr. Abbott is very happy with your numbers." Meryl said proudly. "I know Lizzie has tricks to make it all healthy."

Liz winked at Meryl. "Don't give away my secrets."

"I have his diet restrictions here." Maggie said holding up several pieces of paper. "So, let's begin negotiating a menu."

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