Chapter 7

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Don was having a good time out on Mike and Maggie's heated porch, smoking cigars with Mike. It meant so much to him to be able to spend time with the man who WAS his father, as far as he was concerned. They didn't spend a lot of time talking about what happened, which was what Don needed. He wanted to shake it off because life was too short and he just wanted to focus on his family, which included the Browns. He came back inside and washed up, using a spare toothbrush not wanting to smell like cigar smoke, and went to look for his wife. He saw their babies with their Grandma Maggie, and loved on them, but then went to look for his wife. He found her in the den folding the babies' blankets and looking in their diaper bag. He stood there for the longest time and watched her-the way she moved, the way she pushed her hair off her forehead and the way she moved her head from side to side. All of her movements made him smile, except for the last one. He was worried, he knew when she moved her head like that then it meant she was getting a migraine. He hated the thought that if she was getting a migraine, then it was probably due to the stress of the day. He also thought that she hadn't eaten since that morning and had nursed several times. He was determined to get some food in her. "There's my girl."

"Hey, baby." Meryl beamed as she saw her husband walk towards her. "Did you have a good talk with Mikey?"

Don nodded as he sat down next to her and tenderly kissed her lips. "Yeah, we did. You didn't have to make yourself scarce though."

"I know, but I thought Maggie would like to help me with the babies." Meryl covered as she didn't want him to know that she and Maggie had been working on plans for that night. She really did want this to be a surprise for him. "Mmmm...toothpaste. You know I don't mind when you smoke cigars."

Don turned more towards her as he brushed his lips across hers. "Well, I didn't want to worry about tasting like an ashtray when I wanted to kiss my wife's lips."

"Your lips are so damn kissable..." Meryl moaned into the kiss. "I wouldn't care."

Don moved his hand to her shoulder and began to rub it before moving to the other one. "What are you doing in here alone? It looks like Maggie is in Grandma heaven with the babies on her lap, rocking and reading to them. So, what's my girl doing?"

"I was just making sure we have all their stuff." Meryl then shook her head with a laugh. "Then I remembered we have all their stuff. I think I'm losing my mind, D Man."

"I think you have been under an ENORMOUS amount of stress today." Don said seriously as he cupped her cheek in his hand and looked in her eyes. "Baby, as much as I love this idea of the family night, I'm thinking it's not a good idea. I think we need to get you and the babies back to the hotel so you can rest."

Meryl's heart sunk. She didn't want that at all. She wanted this family night, so much. Not only for him but for all of them. Larry and Liz were already on the plane on their way. She and Maggie and decided where to order food and dessert from, and what to order. "Baby, no, I'm fine. Really. I want this night so much."

"You're getting a migraine." Don couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. "I know you inside and out, that's how I know you are getting a headache."

Meryl grabbed his hands in both of hers. "How about I see if Mags has some I can take, so I'm not taking a pain pill."

"And let's go fix you a sandwich or something." Don shook his head as she started to speak. "Uh uh, supper time is too far away. Either you eat something here, or I take you and the babies to the hotel."

Meryl stood up as he pulled her up to him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Have I told you how hot it is when you are all authoritative with me."

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