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Third Person Point of View

A woman in black, hidden by the shadows paid attention to every word the old man preached. Her eyes not wavering from the speaker, but subconsciously scanning the entire leather cut crowd around him.

The warm breeze played with her long, brown hair as she absorbed the views around her. It had been a long time since she roamed these parts of the country. It had been a long time since she had been in the country to be honest.

"It's been ten years since my daughter disappeared, and each year we arrange this ceremony hoping that she will return to us unharmed. She was the light of my life, the glue to my sanity and the last reminder of my Old Lady."

"Her presence brought joy to our once cheerful life, but the emptiness of her disappearance has us all gloom on this particular day. We all know the chances of her survival after her kidnapping is minimal, and with that thought we have decided to finally put her soul to rest." The man spoke.

Her father looked devastated by the speech he was giving his loyal members. These ten years had been harsh on him and clearly on his appearance. She always remembered his youthful face, full head of brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

The man standing before her was skinnier than she remembered, wrinkles adorned his face and his eyes were now a dull blue.

She kept her attendance hidden from the familiar faces around her father, not wanting to interrupt his ceremony. The ten years had been difficult for the both of them, no doubt about that!

While her father had let his appearance falter, her features were sculpted, body lean to perfection and a set of curves you could only dream about.

Her electric blue eyes lit up in the sight of her father. It had been ten years since she had laid her eyes on him. The last time had been the night she got abducted. Never to be heard from again.

The memories of that night clouded her mind as the ceremony continued. The changes in her father made guilt surround her heart. She had been free to come home six years ago, but there was no way she was going to interrupt her mission.

The thought of the traitor made her vision turn red and fury swept through her body. She had always known that one of her father's men were the reason for the pain she experienced these last ten years.

It was most likely the reason her father hadn't been able to find her either. Her actions the last years hadn't gone by unnoticed, and she had a small sparkle of hope that her father would believe she was still alive.

Giovanni had informed her of her father's burial plans, and the last sliver of conscience had kicked in. It was time for Kylie to return home. Not that she would call this place home ever again.

For the longest time, it had been the place where her father resided. About six months in to her forced training she forgot the longing of her family, her friends and the most important one; her father.

Weakness was a cruel bitch she wanted nothing to do with, and certainly couldn't afford. Her resolve was relentless no matter how many times Alex tried to convince her otherwise.

She had a mission to complete, and there was no way her family would be involved in her work. Enemies would call her cold, heartless and deranged; not that the statements weren't true. They fitted her to a T.

The sound of her father voice pulled her out of her head as she laid her eyes on the man standing beside her father. His forest green eyes had hers captivated.

The sight of Damon had her body in a frenzy she hadn't felt in forever. She had always known of his affection for her, one of the main reasons for not returning earlier.

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