CH. 42

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Damon Miller

Kylie's outburst took me by surprise once again. How she had energy to actually speak was another mystery all on its own. Had I been foolish to believe things would be normal after she dealt with Axe?

Giving her some space was the best thing I could do for her at the moment. No matter how stone cold her persona was, there was no way she wasn't affected by this at all. Hell, I was raging just thinking about the things Axe had put her through. No sane relative would ever had caused their niece that much pain for their own gain.

The old ladies I talked to after our fight had given me a couple pointers as to how I was going to approach her. The advise given was desperately needed. I haven't once been in a relationship, something I believe Kylie hasn't either. On the other hand, Kylie wasn't your regular woman. No, she was a goddess.

A kickass, goddess of a woman.

Watching her from a distance was harder than I believed it to be. My one logical brain turned into mush the second she stepped in to a room, butterflies doing cartwheels in my stomach. The emotions Kylie pulled out in me was something I hadn't experienced before.

As I struggled to deal with my own feelings, Kylie drowned herself in work. Deadshot had been ecstatic to learn that she was taking over the useless, disrespectful group; his words, not mine.

None of us had imagined that she could whip them into shape in one fucking day. There was more than one jaw on the floor when she arrived at dinner with the boys behind her, all of them waiting for her to get seated before joining the rest of us.

I had known she would put them through the hoops, but showing up like they survived a MMA-match and kissing the ground she walked on shocking even for me.

The bar had become my refuge while trying to give her the space she needed. Alcohol seemed like the way to go. While Kylie ran around doing god knows what, I had bonded with most of the prospects.

Surprisingly, they turned out to be a laidback but dedicated group trying to fit in. We had spent a couple of evenings going through the inner workings of the club, discussed their interests and skills trying to find out where they could fit in best.

As if being punished, the subjects of the MC queen had been brought up more than once. The meticulously tatted goddess had sunk her claws in, twirling them all around her slender fingers.

As cold as Kylie portrayed herself to be, she had managed to hype our spirits after Axe's death without even trying. Robert had even emerged from his office after their father-daughter talk.

Her presence was the glue mending us together like old times. During the timespan of a week, she had brought the club back to its glory days.

Sipping silently on my beer, I watched the suspects crowding Kylie on her regular spot on the counter of the bar, hanging on to her every word. As good as Kylie was for the prospects, they easily returned the favor.

The group of young men drew her out of her secluded shell, asking her question after question, eager to learn as much as they possibly could.

Even Striker had picked up his pace. He trained with Kylie from the sun rose to it set, sticking to her side like glue. I was thankful he was taking care of her when I couldn't, keeping a smile on her stunning face.

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