CH. 14

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Kylie Jones

The sight of Damon's nude upper body nearly gave me a heart attack. It had been such a long time since I felt anything other than adrenaline.

Or maybe this was adrenaline thinking about beating the shit out of his smug, handsome chiseled face.

What the fuck was that Kylie?

This was definitely not the time for drooling over his hot as fuck body. The things I would do to him would rock his world. I'm sweet like that.

A shadow of a moving fist close to my face snapped my focus back to the ring. Damon was inches away from connecting his weak ass punch. I quickly moved my head a couple of inches, making his fist flew past me in slow motion.

His right ribs were left unprotected as he threw the punch. Amateur move.

Champion you say?

Without thinking, my left hand shot out, hitting the exact exposed area. His eyes widened in shock as I got in another hit on him.

A full-blown smile spread across my bruised face as I once again caught him of guard. This would definitely be my new pastime game.

Determination adored his face as he collected himself. Damon came at me with an nearly impressive speed, faking a left punch probably to hopefully connect a right one.

I crouched, swiping out my left leg catching him of guard again. His body fell to the floor in a ungraceful manner. A second later he was up on his feet again, trying desperately to connect at least one of his punches.

A crowd was gathering outside the ring, watching the both of us leaping at each other. Well, it was more Damon leaping and me evading, but who cares.

Deadshot caught my gaze and gave me a prideful smile. The action triggered a wave of warmth to flood over me. The only ones giving me that look was the clique and they felt obliged to, as I had saved their asses more than once.

Damon seemed completely unaware of the crowds around us, trying to keep his focus. I caught his stare more than once when I was playing with Tyler. It seemed like his gaze came with a tingling feeling, seeing as my body reacted every time he laid his eyes on me.

It was unusual to say the least. The way my body responded around Damon was unfamiliar. Tingles, goosebumps and tensing all on its own. There must be something wrong with me.

There is definitely something wrong with me.

I lost focus on Damon for a second as I saw the dwindling frame of my father watching us from the back. Would it be to much of a blow to his pride if I wiped the floor with Damon?

Nah! Who gives a crap. Damon deserves a good wake-up call!

I refocused on Damon's fading punches. My brow cocked on its own trying to figure out his next move. He was breathing heavily as he gained some distance between us. Pebbles of sweat covered his forehead as he took a small breather.

Didn't my uncle teach them anything?

Damon finally realized the crowd gathering around us. A smirk found its way upon his face as he carefully stepped closer to me.

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