CH. 17

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Kylie Jones

The awkwardness between Damon and I quickly faded as I read the contract sent by the League.

Connor McMillian
Irish Mafia
New York

The message was short and to the point as normal. Damon moved up behind me as I swiftly palmed the phone, hiding the message from him.

He was on a need to know basis at the moment and I didn't really want to bother him with my chosen line of work.

"I need to talk to my father" I said as I left the room.

My legs moved on their own in the direction of my father's office. I hadn't stepped a foot in there since I left. It was always of limits before, but I didn't give a crap right now.

A dark wooden door separated us as I thought about what I would tell him. There was no way I would tell him about the contract, but I needed him to know that I would be out of town for a few days.

I knocked on the door twice before opening the door. As I walked in I laid my eyes on my seemingly exhausted father drowning in paperwork.

"Don't you have prospects and a VP to do your paperwork?" I sassed at him.

His head snapped up at the sound of my voice as a small smile snuck upon his features.

"Kylie! What can I do for you?"

"I'm going out of town for a few days"

"What? I just got you back and now you're leaving again?"

"It's important, but I promise that I will try to return in a few days"

Promising him that I would return would be taking a huge chance. I wasn't superstitious, but the amount of karma hoping to smack me in the face kept me from making promises I might not be able to keep.

"Where are you going Kylie? Please let one of my men go with you!"

"No chance in hell would I have those idiots follow me. They would end up dead before we left the state"

Fuck! I wasn't supposed to tell him that. To bad he didn't have any power over me or my choices. You might call me a brat, but my father hadn't been in my life for years.

Jumping back to being his little princess would take more than a few days and a concerned tone.

"I'm only telling you this as a formality Robert. I'll leave in an hour or so"

A defeated look covered his face as a slight nod was sent in my direction. Our interaction was held short as I spun on my heels and walked towards the door.

I moved a total of two steps before the door flung open. Damon looked raging as he stomped in.

"You're leaving Kylie?"




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