Ch. 27

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Kylie Jones

Li Wei had upped the stakes considering the price on my head. I had previously known the Triad to be rather calm and broody, not like the ravenous men all sprinting towards me. Since I arrived at this godforsaken desolate house, they had kept on coming one after the other.

It was surprisingly fun to be honest. I haven't had a workout like this one in what seems like forever. I just wish Li Wei would grow some balls and show up once during one of these monthly happenings.

The last time I saw him was when I accompanied Alex, Gio and Dominic to one of the "Mafia Balls" as they like to call them. It certainly wasn't my scene, but Hector and Mia had made it bearable.

Not to forget the sculpted ass men in tight fitted suits. I can honestly say I wished for heaven to be like that. Forget that, there was no way I was going to heaven, but I was definitely going to rule hell.

"Queen, Wǒ yǐjīng děngle hěn cháng shíjiānle"
(Queen, I have been waiting to collect your bounty for quite some time now)

The sound of a familiar voice had me whipping my head around. Any faster and I would leave this damn earth with a broken neck. In front of me was the man that had made some small part of my life a living nightmare.

Zhang Ying was the man responsible for this entire charade. A delightful shiver ran down my spine as I felt the monster banging at the delicate walls I had raised. One word, repeated again and again. Kill.

There was no way this man would walk away from this scene after everything he had caused me. I could argue that I wasn't prone to revenge, but that would be a complete lie. The monster in me craved revenge since the day Anatoly kidnapped me.

"Zhang, you know I don't speak Chinese"

That was another well delivered lie. I had taught myself the language the second I escaped their prison. There was no way I could get myself stuck in that similar situation again.

"Rúguǒ nǐ bù nàme tòng, wǒ huì báichī nǐ"
(If you weren't such a pain in the ass, I would fuck you senseless)

His statement had me fighting a full-blown laugh. How the fuck did he plan on fucking me when all I was thinking about was killing his cocky ass. A smirk appeared in its regular spot as I secretly prepared my body for the fight we were destined to have.

"I would like to see your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass. Anyhow, you wouldn't get close enough to fuck me before I'd snap your neck"

Zhang froze at my statement, not really considering I understood what he was saying. I love to expose people like this. You may call me petty or rude, but it gives me some serious amusement watching people succumb to embarrassment or confusion.

Seeing as I had killed off his comrades, I decided to make some fun out of our little game. Giving him a seductive wink, I seamlessly located the knife placed at my left thigh. Zhang was still lost in his own head, not realising that I had the perfect opportunity to kill him off.

Where was the fun in that. I had spent close to an hour mindlessly killing off Li Wei's men, the least I could do was going out with a bang. Swiftly twirling the knife around in my hand, I watched Zhang as he realised the position we were in.


My voice lingered in the air as we both watched the knife flying towards him. If I remembered correctly, we were in this exact position years ago. The only difference was that the knife was flying towards me.

A delighted chuckle from yours truly broke the silence as the knife lodged itself in Zhang's arm. He winced from the impact, but otherwise kept quiet. If I was going to get any satisfaction out of this, he would have to make some noise.

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