CH. 40

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Damon Miller

Watching Kylie lose control like that was heartbreaking to watch. I'd known that she had a hard time dealing with powerful emotions, and her spiraling out of control seemed to be one of her many coping mechanisms.

From the small bits and pieces she had told me about Anatoly, I understood perfectly well that she needed an outlet.

Gio had warned me several times not to touch her when she became lost like that, but something told me she just needed a distraction from the chaos erupting around her.

Reaching out a helping hand I let her take whatever she needed. Something that resulted in the best night, or rather morning of my life.

There was no doubt in my mind that I was head over heels in love with this woman, something I wanted to shout off the fucking rooftop, but I knew for a fact that she would kick my ass.

Luca had told me about her little breakdown last night when I accidentally let the news slip in a haze of content. I knew damn well she wasn't even close to ready for that commitment.

The pilots voice sounded over the speakers, informing us that we were close to landing. Kylie groaned in my neck obviously annoyed that our short time unbothered by the worlds problems was coming to an end.

"I need a year long vacation after this shit" Kylie whined as she scooter close to the corner of the mattress. Sneaking my hands around her torso, I pulled her back into my chest, holding her tight for the last time in a while I presumed.

The moment the plane hits the ground, Kylie will turn into her cold assassin persona breaking down any wall in her way.

"I'm so sorry I dragged you into this Damon. I had no intent of causing any of you this kind of drama. Just know that even though I turn into a cold heartless bitch, I still care about you."

It was strange listening to Kylie openly wording her emotions, considering she's the most feared human being in the underworld. Inching my face closer til hers, I kissed her gently unlike any other kiss I'd participated in before.

Pouring my heart and soul into this growing romantic gesture, Kylie replied as fhevertly as me, telling me everything I needed to know without having to spell it out loud.

"Just know I'll always, always have your back baby. No matter what! It's you and me against the world Kylie" I whispered against her lips.

Embracing her one last time, I reluctantly let her go to make herself ready to fight her own battle.

Not able to take my eyes of her, I watched her standing butt-naked in front of me. Bending over to retrieve her clothes, she gave me a prime view of her bare core.

"Fuck me! You're killing me here, babe" I groaned.

"Do we got time for a quickie?" Kylie smirked.

Not even bothering to answer her question, I mounted her like a stallion, pounding the both of us into a pleasurable oblivion.


The moment the plane hit the ground, Kylie automatically switched into work mode; letting go of my hand. Making the incredibly tough decision to give her the space she needed to do her job, I kept my mouth shut so she could work unbothered by me looking over her shoulder.

Kylie had advised Striker and I to appear at the clubhouse pretending that nothing happened on our trip. Withholding the information that Kylie was back in town was essential to her plan, whatever the plan was.

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