CH. 22

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Kylie Jones

My father was seated behind his old oak desk. It felt like I had been here more in the past week than when I grew up here. Tatt was standing by the side of the office, eyes wondering up and down my figure. He had always been a creep, even when I was younger.

The attire I was wearing certainly wasn't helping. My ripped skintight black jeans showed every toned curve of my legs. My ass looked good as hell in these jeans, the reason I liked them so much. 

A mesh crop-top was wrapped tightly around my chest, not really covering much either. Combined with my black six inch heels, I looked like sex on legs. Just how I loved it, by the looks of it, Tatt loved it too. 

He had gotten old since the last time I saw him, not in a good way. He had to have gained at least 60 pounds. Grey hair and yellow teeth met me when I let my eyes roam over him.

I had such a huge crush on him when I was younger, mostly because of his cerulean blue eyes. Those eyes had me raging now.

The thought of him selling me out for his assumed drug addiction had me struggling to keep my calm. This wasn't the time to punch a hole in the mission, nor his face.

Tatt gave me a sneaky smile, like he knew what he had caused me to endure. Having Robert leaking my specific skill set had given me a clear disadvantage.

An innocent smile adorned my face as my father stood up. Tatt looked confused at my behavior, but it was clearly the way to go. Feigning innocence for this man was a way of giving him a placebo strength over me.

"What can I do for you Robert?"

"Kylie! Damon mentioned that you're interested in getting your old job back. I brought Tatt in to finalize the contract"

The MC worked with contracts for just about anything. The mechanics, tattoo artist and bartenders all had to sign the standard 'pledge to the club' contract before starting.

"That's great. When can I start?"

The signing of the contract went swiftly, deciding I would start at the shop tomorrow. Tatt didn't open his mouth once, probably waiting on an opportunity to get me alone. At least this time I have the skills to beat his ass.

Robert seemed overjoyed that I wanted my old job back. Both him and Damon believed that I would stay with them for the foreseeable future.

Hate to break it, but there was no way I was giving them the slightest opportunity to get caught in the crosshairs.

I left Tatt and Robert in the office, making my way down to the kitchen. Hopefully Amy was still here. The meals that woman made was heaven on earth. 

The roaring sound of bikes filled the air, but I quickly dismissed it thinking that some of the brothers were sent on some kind of mission by my father. 

The clubhouse was eerie silent. It wasn't that early at all so the silent ambiance was suspicious. I snuck down the hallways, making my steps as light as possible.

"La ragazza non sembra sapere nulla. Ti terrò aggiornato" (The girl doesn't seem to know anything. I will keep you updated)

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