CH. 18

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Kylie Jones

Connor sat passed out in a kitchen chair in the middle of his living room. His hands were tied down on the dusty chair handles. This man had a dirty as fuck apartment, seeming like he didn't spend a lot of time here.

With his occupation, I figured he traveled around just like me. I had several apartments and properties that I nearly never visited. Seeing as I didn't use them as much as I should, I decided early on that I would rent them out and let the crew live there on a regular basis.

I had more than enough money to spend and this way seemed like an easy way to both earn and spend some money.

A groan from Connor snapped me out of my inner monologue. His eyes struggled to focus on his surroundings, making a smile form on my face. What kind of hitman had such a poor sense of his surroundings?

"Good morning sleeping beauty!"

Connor's head snapped in my direction with a frown on his face. He repeatedly tried to move his limbs, only gaining more burns on his wrists. Idiot.

"What the fuck"

My fist slammed his head to the right, making him cough on his outrage. This should be fun. I haven't had a session like this in a while.

"You may not know who I am just yet, but you and your gang of misfits made a huge mistake targeting my family"

My voice turned cold as ice. I'm sure my usual aura of death and pain flowed from my pores considering the pale look on Connor's face.

"Y-you a-are s-s-shadow" He stuttered.

"You know, I never really liked that particular nickname. Queen suits memuch better, don't you think?"

Nodding rapidly, a chuckle left my lips. I had craved this kind of power over a toy for such a long time. The monster I had submerged for the time being in the clubhouse was starting to tear on its walls.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?"

Connor stayed silent as he observed my movements. I wasn't moving an inch, just staring him down. Excitement surged through my veins, heating my entire body.

"I was kind of hoping you would stay silent. Being domesticated for such a long time is a new record for me" I quipped at his trembling figure.

Sliding out a knife from my boots, I circled around him like a killer preparing to catch her pray.

Connor's body started violently shaking as perspiration form on his forehead. I'm sure the mob had told the most pleasant stories about me and my skill set watching him tremble in fear.

"You could always make this easier for yourself. Tell me who ordered the hit and why?"

Connor closed his eyes for a second, deciding wether of not to spill the information. I started internally counting. Five seconds should be more than enough time to decide.

The seconds passed by with Connor still silent. Well, to bad for you handsome.

I brought my knife just over his pinky, slowly applying pressure. My eyes connected with his questionably, daring him to open his mouth.

A sigh of defeat left his lips, but my patience had run out. A swift tug had his pinky severed on the floor and the man tied to the chair screaming in pain.

This noise was giving me a headache. I strutted to the kitchen, picking up a rag and gagging Connor who was struggling to keep his breathing even.

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