CH. 15

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Damon Miller

I couldn't believe that I got Kylie so infuriated that she lost control. She didn't seem like the person to lose control that easily. 

The complete change in her eyes when she went at him was chilling. There was no emotion or recognition in her eyes. The Russians really messed with her head.

You could only imagine what she had been thought, seeing as her body functions as a killing machine without her even controlling it.

She was going to kill me.

How could I ever shake the feeling of my first love trying to kill me. I was close to laughing when Alex and the blonde raged at me. 

It had never even crossed my mind that Kylie wanted me dead. She had spent the last ten years silently protecting the MC. There would have to be some part of her still caring for us.

After Kylie knocked me out, as the first person to do that by the way, Deadshot filled me in about what happened to her. All the brothers in the gym had cheered her on at first, before Alex pushed through the crowd to gather Kylie.

Deadshot and Axe had seen the change in her demeanor. Like a switch flipped, she was the Queen of Hearts, not lending out mercy to anyone in her way. Something like this should have pushed me away from her, but the only emotion I was feeling towards her was love.

The strength of my woman. Kylie had survived hell, coming out stronger than any other person I knew. I would grovel for her love for years if that's what it takes. She is the woman of my dreams and she will be by my side.

After the blonde pushed me out of Kylies room, I went directly to the bar. I was in desperate need of something strong to clear my head.

The room was filled to the brim with brothers, but it was aerie silent. Not one of them uttered a word as I shuffled behind the bar. I was in no mood to chat up rowdy bikers, nor explain my seriously awkward knock out.

"You need to get our head out of your ass" Alex said as he came up to me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I replied in a cold tone.

"Did you expect her to fall on her knees in front of you when she got here" Alex deadpanned.

An inappropriate slideshow of Kylie on her knees before me flashed through my head. That girl was messing with my head to no end. I kept silent, listening to Alex rant.

"She has had a completely different life than you these last ten years. Give her some time to settle in!" Alex finished as he left me by myself.

His words echoed in my head. Everything he said was true. I did expect her to fall on her knees, jumping back to the last nights we spent together before she disappeared.

I made my way over to an empty booth as silently as I could. Some of the brothers nodded at me as I past them, but my familiar mask of cold and ice hid my inner debacle.

Axe and Deadshot entered the bar, making a beeline for the booth I was currently drowning my thoughts in. My sullen mood seemed to affect anyone in this godforsaken bar. There was no laughter, hollers or club-whores getting fucked in the corners. It resembled the day we decided to bury Kylie.

"Kylie is awake again Reaper. Maybe you should give her a visit?" Deadshot carefully suggested.

I would probably have visited her if I hadn't known how close she came to killing me in front of the club. It would be a lie if I didn't feel the huge blow to my ego. Being considered the best fighter in the MC was no small task, and took me years to earn.

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