CH. 16

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Kylie Jones

Warmth and pressure surrounded me as I gently woke up. A naked blonde slept next to me, hand flung over my own body.

It had been such a long time since Mia and I had a normal girl night. No sex, no missions and most importantly, no danger.

After the eventful evening yesterday, some TLC was highly appreciated.

It was the cliques last day here before returning to their own countries and the thought of saying in this clubhouse alone irked me.

The plan was to finish this mission in a few days, something that would definitely not happen.

I rolled out of bed, not really ready for the day. If it were up to me, I would be sleeping to noon at least.

One step was all I managed before tumbling down of the dark carpeted floor.

"What the fuck?" A bewildered voice yelled out.

"Alex? Why are you sleeping on the floor?" I said as I let out a quiet laugh.

A swift look around the room revealed four men sleeping on small probably uncomfortable pillows.

The feeling of warmth spread throughout my body at the affection these humans showed me.

"Rise and shine campers!" I yelled.

The sound of my voice had them all jumping up in defensive positions. Even Mia, who was now standing naked on the floor with a gun and a knife in her hand.

"Fuck, that's hot babe!" I admired Mia's figure.

A wink was sent in my direction as her eyes trailed down my own body.

"Right back at ya, Queenie!" Mia sassed.

Well, that's just great.

Not really considering my own appearance, me myself and I stood there as naked as her. Who cares?

These boys have seen enough of naked bodies throughout their life and they weren't unfamiliar with mine either.

I was more than comfortable in my own body and my tattoos gave me a strange feeling of being covered, even if they didn't cover shit.

The boys ran their eyes over us before engaging in another discussion about Alex's dog. I guess we weren't that impressive to them anymore.

They had certainly caught the two of us in way worse situations naked than this. Mia walked over to me and ran her thumb over my cheek.

I lifted my face to watch her as emotions swirled in her eyes. The love I held for this woman was greater than anything I had known before.

Even though there wasn't any barriers between us, we both knew that our love were that of physical attraction and trust, not monogamy.

A knock on the door was faintly heard as I kept my eyes on Mia. There was a silent promise in her gaze. A promise that she would do her best to return and that we would see each other again.

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