CH. 44

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Sorry for the late update guys. These last few months have been crazy and I haven't found the time to write as much as I wanted to. Thankfully things have calmed down, and your comments are really helping. You make me smile and laugh my ass off at times! I love it. Thank you so much for continuing reading my story and supporting my writing, I truely appreciate it!

Kylie Jones

Who am I kidding, of course I would fuck him just to leave him again. I'm a whore for a mind blowing orgasm, something Damon have proven he's quite skilled at.

Taking my time watching the perfect human specimen beneath me, I memorized every line, scar and tattoo scattered on Damon's chest. Some of these tattoos were actually pretty well done. Not as good as mine, but decent enough for someone lacking my amazing artsy talent.

Tracing his tattoos feather light with my finger, goosebumps erupted at the contact between us. Heck, I got goosies on my own arms just touching his warm chest.

Our closeness and constant touching did nothing to calm down my heated arousal. If he actually opened his eyes, not pretending to be asleep anymore, he would see it loud and clear in my eyes.

"You can open your eyes D. I'm not stupid you know" I sassed at the feighning sleeping man under me. His entire body rumbled in quiet chuckles, making his hard-on hit way too close to home. My breath hitched in my throat, juices running torturously slow down my thighs.

Damon's body froze simultaneously as mine, taking in the full extent of our pleasurable, exposed position. I straightened my spine, sitting content on top of him with my hands running softly over his exposed skin. His eyes opened slowly, taking in my naked chest greeting him with excitement.

"I could get used to waking up to this sight for the rest of my life" Damon rasped out, clearly as affected by our closeness as I was. The warmth of his hand running up my thighs had me fighting not to throw my head back in delight.

"Don't get sappy on me D" I whispered in a mixture of a moan and whimper. His hands on me was a feeling I was never going to forget. Pulling me down to him by my hair, he ghostly traced the seam of my lips with his.

"Don't get sassy with me princess. We both know who's in charge here" Damon rumbled. Oh, we were playing that game.

I guess I'll just have to show him who's boss once and for all then.

Deciding to have some fun with the sculpted man underneath me, I reached over to the nightstand knowing that his trusted cuffs rested peacefully hidden from sight. If there was one thing I knew about Damon, he sure was consistent.

The cold metal running against my fingertips sent a shiver of expected delight down my spine, my body tense for pure pleasure. Skillfully removing his hands from my sizzling body, I slipped the cuffs on making sure they were connected to the sprinkled headboard.

He had no way to go now, tightly secured by his own cuffs. Oh, the irony of that one. I'm quite certain he fantasized using those on me, not the other way around.

Thankfully, I wasn't the kind of person to bend over at the slight slip of alpha male dominance. Or wait a second...

Well, who cares. I would bend over backwards for a taste of that priced possession.

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