CH. 30

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Kylie Jones

Damon's body up against mine was confusing me immensely. Warmth soaked my blood covered body as his palms caged me in between him and the wall.

"What do you mean Damon?"

"What's the deal with Gio?"

"He has some pesticide problems at home. I'm sure he will inform you if you ask"

Damon let out a sigh as he placed his face on my exposed neck. His deep breaths flushed over my shoulder, tingling whenever he would breathe.

"Let me go, D. I need a shower"

"Let's go then, Princess"

"Alone, Damon"

"You're no fun"

An amused snicker left my throat as I slipped under his outreached arms. Twirling around, I continued my trek to my own room. Sleep, sleep and more sleep was the thing my body was desperately craving.

I ran through the shower, only staying long enough to get the blood of me. Generally, I used to love long showers. Soaking under the warm water was a piece of heaven. That's before the abduction though.

My showers stay cold for several years, a habit Anatoly had drilled into my brain. Not that it mattered at all. It woke me up, kept me alert.

Quickly drying myself off, I jumped at my bed getting comfortable under the sheets. Night, night world.


Startling awake, my body shot up trying to get a clue of what the hell was happening. Yelling and hoots bounced off the walls, high enough to make my body shake from its vibrations.

Climbing out of bed, I dressed in the white shirt Damon left behind the last time he slept here. It was drowning my toned figure, ending at my thighs.

It might have been a little small, considering my tall stature but it didn't bother me at all. It certainly wouldn't bother the rowdy bikers.

Exiting my bedroom, I sauntered down the familiar hallways, following the noise. The sounds came from the club bar, and by the noise of it, it was one hell of a party going on.

Slamming the doors open, I made a straight line for the bar. If we were getting hammered tonight, I needed a head start. Consuming alcohol at a daily interval had its disadvantages.

When others got drunk of half a bottle, it took me close to two to get affected. It wasn't that much of a problem, as I had houses full of liquor all over the world.

Jumping up on the bar, I sat down at my regular place on the counter. Eyes roaming over the scene in front of me as they usually did.

Damon, Robert and Axe sat in their regular booth, arguing intensely. You bet I was the matter at hand. Damon mouthed something about me being in danger, how they would protect me.

A scoff let my throat as I watched them discuss their upcoming plans. When would they realize that I could take care of myself? I looked over at the bartender, standing tense at my beck and call.

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