CH. 13

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Damon Miller

I left church with even more trouble on my mind. Firstly; Kylie had kept up an impressive killing spree of seven hundred people a year, not counting the unconfirmed ones. Knowing the Kylie that arrived yesterday, there were a lot more than those seven thousand.

Secondly; Kylie had watched the chaos that had been my life the last five years. I had no fucking clue as to what I would do to convince her that I wasn't that person anymore.

I highly doubted that she would ever willingly give herself to me now. The plans of her becoming my Old Lady was hanging by a thin thread. Not to mention the whole lesbian thing!

Kylie had been on my mind each and every day since she went missing. Probably even earlier than that, to be honest.

The brunette with blue eyes had been and still were my first love. My hopefully last love. The knowledge of her sleeping with the blond had tested my restraint to no end, but if anyone else dared to lay their hands on her I would kill them.

There was no way in hell I was going to lose her again. She had been gone for ten years already. That was ten years to long.

Deadshot walked up beside me as we both made our way to the gym. It was time to blow off some stream and punching the shit out of Deadshot would have to do for now.

Sure, I could always relieve the tension using other means, but that would entail a female or two.

Shut the fuck up brain! There's Kylie or no one.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the images of a nearly dressed Kylie withering beneath me. Since her night with the leggy blonde, my mind worked on overdrive, feeding me images of them together.

If I was ever going to keep her by my side, I would have to clean up. No more whores, meaningless fights or heavy amounts of alcohol.

Then there was the issue with her father, Robert, my president. They would be a whole other debacle I was not ready to deal with. The only thing I knew was that the woman obtaining my every thought was going to be mine.

Deadshot pushed the heavy doors to the gym open as we stepped through. The gym had always been my favorite room in the clubhouse. It used to be Kylies room, but that quickly changed after she disappeared.

"You good to go?"  Deadshot asked.

"Bring it on big guy! Maybe it's time I taught you something new?" I quipped at him.

"You up for teaching an assassin some new moves?" A delicious soft voice ran through the air.

Both Deadshot and I spun around, laying our eyes on a stunningly beautiful brunette in inappropriate workout gear.

Kylie hung by the door waiting for our reply. My mind went blank as I less than discreetly observed her figure. You could clearly see the tight lean muscles on her arms and thighs.

The faint outlines of a six-pack was visible on her toned abdomen. Was it getting hot in here?

"Doll! I guess you would be the one to teach us a thing or two" Deadshot gushed.

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