CH. 12

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Third Person Point of View

Cyber stood in front of the high-ranking men of the MC trying to find the best way to break the news he had discovered. When he first found out about Kylies choice of work he was shocked. Soo shocked that he had to double and triple check to make sure it was true.

There was no way he could have prepared himself for the revelations that occurred digging up Kylies past. It didn't really sink in before now, when he had to reveal the ugly truth to her father and his president.

"So.. This will be kind of shocking!" Cyber started off.

"As you all know, Axe informed us about Kylie being the Queen of Assassins. Well, her particular number is concerning. Hell of a job!" Cyber spoke, trying to keep his body from fidgeting.

"Cut to the chase Cyber. Last time I checked around five years ago she was over a couple thousand" Axe

A sound of bewilderment soared though the air. Robert's jaw hit the floor once again. Kylie had a bad habit of surprising her father. The silence filled the room again as they all wanted to know about Kylies hidden past.

"Her final number, and I checked three times, results in 7.419 confirmed kills." Cyber slowly choked out.

Damon, who was sipping on a glass of scotch, spit out the liquor swirling in his mouth. The liquid rained over the stained wooden table as they all sat there astounded. A quick form of math calculated in Damon's head. That's over 700 people a year.

"A-are you fucking shitting me?" Robert stuttered.

"This is only the list of confirmed kills. There is no way to know for sure" Cyber whispered.

"My girl certainly kept herself busy" Axe proudly replied.

"How can you be so pleased about this? That girl is a fucking killing machine!" Cyber blurted.

Damon had a difficult time trying to collect his thoughts. When they had spent ten years trying to find the sweet girl being abducted at fifteen, Kylie herself had roamed the world as a cold-blooded killer.

"If you look up the names of the people she has killed you would see that they aren't all angels" Axe informed.

Cyber grabbed ahold of his computer, quickly running his fingers over the keyboard. Nearly a minute later a list of names appeared on the screen. It contained anything from high-ranked mafia men to cartel leaders. Serial killers and corrupt business men found their place on their list as well.

Her earliest reported kill was one of Anatoly's worst enemies, dated three months after she went missing. Disgust flashed through Robert. The man he had fought for years, the man who killed his Old Lady had turned his fifteen-year-old daughter into a killer. The first thing he did when he finally saw Kylie again was distrusting her. How could he have been so stupid?

The shocking thing about the list was the number of enemies familiar to the Hells Dragons MC. A year after Kylie went missing, the club got into some shit with the Irish mob causing a full out war. It ended abruptly when the Irish mob's leader and his highest-ranking members died without them even knowing who was responsible. Well, until now.

"Kylie killed Shaun and his crew?" Damon asked perplexed.

"That she did. One hell of a job as well. The blame got pinned on their late second in command" Axe bragged.

"You knew about this?" Robert asked baffled with the information.

Axe knew quite a few things about Kylies past. More than he cared to say out loud. He had always kept an eye on her, even before she went missing. She had been in life threatening situations, but she always had back-up. Even if she knew or not.

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