CH. 35

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Kylie Jones

Striker's voice had my head jerking towards the familiar sound. It was bad enough that Damon had arrived, but even worse with Striker. I considered him my little brother.

"This is no place for the two of you to be right now!"

If the Irish were to touch a single strand of hair on either one of their heads, I would blow up like a fucking nuke.

"Please tell me Striker ain't here and that I'm just tired enough to be hearing things?"

Damon sent me a presumably cute, guilty pout as he looked over my shoulder. A defeated sound left me as I dramatically turned around at the speed of a snail.

Standing there tall and proud was no one other than Striker. His minuscule facial hair had made its presence, randomly scattered around his sharp jawline. Wavy hair slicked down to one side, impeccably dressed for his first official meeting with the Italian mafia.

My, did he seem like a proper grown adult right now. His stature was impressive, feet generously separated, hands folded on his back subtly showing of the gun he was now carrying.

"Who are you, and what have you done to my little brother?"

Striker let out an unamused chuckle as he walked closer. My eyebrows automatically raised as he opened his arms. What does he think I am? A care bear?

Estranged hugs were nothing but fallacious security put in place by a strong belief in nurture. Something I had severe lack of growing up. Sure, I would participate in a hug here and there, but specifically with people I had a strong, if not sexual relationship with.

Even though Striker has become some sort of brother to me, the concept of fraternalism was lost on me.

Striker must have observed the confused look on my face as his eyes lit up in amusement. Not giving me time to evaluate the situation, his arms surrounded me.

"You're supposed to hug me back you know?"

Strikers amused voice resulted in a relatively hard back head slap from a seemingly insulted Damon. The two of us froze as we tried to wrap our heads around what Damon just did.

Biting down on my lower lip, I struggled to keep my laughter in. Striker's jaw dropped in disbelief, causing me to burst out laughing.

"Fuck Q, I haven't heard you laugh like that since Gio fell down the stairs, breaking his tailbone"

Luca chucked behind us.

The amusing visuals of Gio ungracefully sliding down the marble stairs left me struggling to catch a breath. In times like these, I wished I had that cute girl laugh. Unfortunately, I sounded like a damn slaughtered seal falling to the floor laughing my ass off.

"Holy shit! I forgot about that"

"Hey! Let me remind you. I was stuck sitting on an inflatable for a month"

Gio quipped as he gently walked towards us. His face  was set in a teasing manner as he relived his glory days.

"I bought you that pink flamingo inflatable, so don't sass me!"

His face flushed the moment I brought up the inflatable. Gio hadn't left his office at all while recovering from his 'terrible' accident.

They had all been informed than Gio was shot or something and he was trying to recover as fast as possible. The entire episode was hilarious to be honest.

Dragging my hand through my damp hair, I reminisced in the good times we had in this mansion. Teaching Alex every drinking game known to mankind, play fighting, training and hanging out.

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