CH. 47

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Warning: This chapter will contain a foreign language I have no clue on how to write or speak, so google translate has been heavily used :) 

Kylie Jones

Leave it to Striker to ruin a perfectly good moment by shouting out for pizza. I got to figure out how young this kid is before dragging him along with me into this shit storm I've created.

"Alright kid, calm down. We're going out tonight, so eat up" Damon chuckled, bringing the pizza over to the couch and put on some german soccer game on the tv I never used.

The picture of the three of us seated in front of the TV while eating pizza must have portrayed the perfect family. Oh, how wrong they would be. This family was nothing but career criminals out on a long awaited vendetta.

We devoured the pizza like ravenous wolves, not leaving a crumb left on the oil soaked cardboard box. Well, at least I managed to feed the teen. My father would surely kill me if I let the two of them go hungry.

Leaving the boys to their bonding time in front of the TV, I entered my minimalistic master bedroom. Going public while looking exactly like I used to was a fast track into getting recognized and we certainly couldn't afford that.

Not yet.

It took me a solid two hours to conceal the plethora of ink decorating my skin and styling the blonde wig to perfection but I had finally become less recognizable sliding into the blood red mini dress. I pulled on my black red bottoms and glanced at my now green eyes in the bathroom mirror.

This was the best it was going to get with the time I'd been allowed, but I looked fucking smoking anyhow. Platinum blonde was definitely a good look for me and judging by the heat in Damon's eyes, he agreed.

"Fuck me, you look stunning babe"

The heavy groan ignited a spark of desire within me which was quickly submerged by the time crunch we were in.

"Later D, we have bigger fish to fry tonight" I tutted, making sure to roam his suit clad body before leaving the apartment.

Walking towards an awaiting Striker, we both watched as his jaw dropped at the sight of me. I got to say, the young man didn't look too shabby in a suit either.

"Is it appropriate to mention that you look beautiful, Q?" Striker stuttered, a sheen of adorable pink coating his cheeks.

"Strikey, you never have to ask to call a woman beautiful. If you truly mean it, shout it of the rooftops" I chuckled, the small gesture melting a shard in my otherwise cold heart.

Resting my hand on his elbow, I let the growing teen escort me to the SUV in the garage. The boy even opened the door for me. If Striker kept this gentleman act up Damon would have to pick up his game.

"Dude, you're making me look bad in front of my queen" Damon whined, getting situated beside me in the back of the car.

"I was taught to respect my leaders and Q is undoubtedly in charge. It's not my fault you're acting like a douche" Striker sassed, bursting out laughing with me joining closely behind.

"You've been spending way too much time with her. No boy should be that savage" Damon childishly complained.

"Just because he owned you doesn't give you the right to whine at him. Don't hate on a skill you can't obtain" I chuckled, taking the side of my sassy protege.

We spent the remainder of the car ride laughing on Damon's behalf. The grown baby begged for it when he opened his mouth to complain. Striker and I was a sassy duo way out of his savage league.

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