CH. 4

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Third Person Point of View

Alexandrei, Giovanni and Dominic walked in side by side in their black fitted suits. If they weren't like her family, Kylie would most likely have slept with all of them. A smirk snuck its way upon her features and her eyes were sparkling. Kylie hadn't seen them all in over a year. They had only been communicating over the phone once or twice if they needed her to know something or do something for them.

A few of their most trusted men followed closely behind them as they made their way towards Kylie. Damon and her father stepped up to greet them, but the boys just ignored them. They hadn't laid their eyes on their queen in a year, noting was going to stop them now.

Kylie just sat on the bar counter waiting for the three of them to reach her. Damon looked like he was going to overheat of fury, fists clenched and jaw locked tightly. Kylie always thought his rage-face was amusing, especially now in the presence of three mafia leaders.

The clique as Alex like to call them reached Kylie and drew her into a four-way hug. They lifted her of the floor, and Dominic spun her around making a giggle slip past her lips. Kylie had missed them like crazy this last year. They all acted like her overprotective brothers, even though they all knew she was more dangerous than the three of them put together.

"Queenie! I missed you girl" Alex and Gio blurted at the same time.

They looked at each other before bursting out laughing. These boys were Kylies family. She wouldn't think twice about flying out to save either of them, and they knew it. They felt the same about her, not that she had run into enough problems yet to not save herself.

"Boys! Of course you missed me... I'm amazing!" Kylie sassed at her brothers from other mothers.

Dominic still had her in his grasp and planted a soft kiss on her temple. Dom was always the sensitive and caring one of the three. His cuddles were hands down the best. The others were goofs. Who would believe that the three of them were deemed the three most dangerous men on the planet, when they were all puppies in her presence?

Dom let her down and she ran over to Gio, tackling him to the ground. His body flailed before landing with a thump. Kylie just stood there glaring at him. The last time she spent with Gio he had thrown her sleeping ass in the pool. He was dead.

The look of Kylies rage-face could make a 300-pound man cry. Her face was void of emotions and the aura of death overpowered every ounce of the crowded room. The circle of bikers around them took a few steps back as Gio let out a nervous laugh.

"Q, you know I was just kidding when I threw you in the pool. It was all fun and games, right?" He said, trying to safe his own ass.

A deadly smile adorned her features, as she held her arm out. Gio looked at her apprehensively before taking her hand. She helped him half way up, before her fist slammed into his face. The sound of knuckles hitting bones made the bikers around her cringe. Gio laid on the floor knocked out, and Kylie decided he had learned his lesson.

Arms wrapped around her, and she smelt the familiar smell of vodka surrounding her. Alex was always the one able to calm her down. Most likely because he knew her before Anatoly turned her into a hitman for the Russian Mafia. Alex had been Kylies best friend during her time under Anatoly's rule. If it hadn't been for Alex, she would have been an emotionless drone, killing for fun.

"That's one hell of a hook, Koroleva!" Alex boasted.

"Wouldn't have it any other way Alex!" Kylie cuddled into his embrace.

Kylie let her eyes roam over the dumbfounded crowd of bikers. Dominic had walked up beside her and Alex, making her seem even deadlier than before. If they weren't scared of her earlier, they were petrified of her now. Kylie had three of world's most dangerous men wrapped around her fingers acting like puppies. Robert felt a surge of pride in his chest before the rage took over.

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