CH. 28

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Damon Miller

The sight of Kylie barely standing on her own two wobbly feet in front of me had foreign feelings soaring through my body. It certainly wasn't helping that she was nearly naked at this point. Although I was amused with her incapability to undress herself, concern was the main emotion.

Her injuries wasn't disturbingly severe, but the sight of her with any kind of injury at all was something I never wanted to see. I had made myself a promise to protect her, no matter what the situation. Kylie on the other hand, had spent the majority of her adult life protecting us.

She was still at it by the sights of her features. When she disappeared from the comms Cyber had given her, I nearly broke down, thinking the worst of the situation. The Triad wasn't considered a petty small organization, quite the opposite as I'm sure everyone knows.

By the looks of it, Kylie had a quite eventful evening. A slight sliver of jealousy ran down my spine as I observed her injured arm covered by her catwoman suit. A sexy as hell one at that. I missed being the one receiving and mostly dishing out these kinds of injuries. My time as a streetfighter and quote on quote enforcer for the club was exhilarating.

Sure, it was painful as fuck sometimes, but that rush of adrenaline is a high worth chasing. I had no doubt that Kylie was feeling the same thing when she went out on one of her missions. It was a eerie feeling considering the two of us were so different as kids, while we're so much alike as adults.

"Are you done staring at me?"

Kylie's melodious voice had me refocusing on her barely clothed body. The zipper down her chest was opened and did nothing to hide the cleavage of her boobs straining against the soft material. It was torturous trying to keep my eyes away from her stunning body but I was trying to come off as gentle rather than cocky.

"Any time now? You know how tired I am Damon!"

At least the whining she was up to in her youth haven't changed. Our eyes collided with each other as I silently asked her if she wanted me to undress her. I was praying to anything and everything above that she would allow me. The distancing we had been practising the last days were straining my self control.

"What the fuck are you waiting for Damon? Get this shit off me"

My cock jerked at the commanding tone of her voice. Damn, if she would just keep that up in bed, I would never even consider leaving it. The slight tremble of my hands got Kylie's attention but like the woman she is, she completely ignored it only to close her eyes again.  

I slipped my calloused hands under the fabric clinging to her upper body, slowly removing it from her warm skin. For sleeping at a dirty bar booth, she was surprisingly hot. Starting at end of the zipped down material, just under her ribs, I trailed my hands up unbearably slow.

A mixture between a groan and a moan sounded deep down her throat as she bit her lips, trying desperately to silence her pleasure. It wasn't meant to be seductive at all, but if the shoe fits.

Watching her struggle to stay quiet did something to me. The bare sight of her in this suit was enough to get me straining hard, but the sounds of her enjoyment made my heart beat out of my chest.

The tight suit released itself from her skin, pooling down by her curved hips. A breath hitched in my throat as I teasingly slow let my eyes roam over her frame. Kylie was a beautiful woman, one of the most stunning girls I have ever laid my eyes on to be honest.

My hands trembled immensely as I tried to refrain from touching her. The puny restraint I had managed to hold on to went straight out the window the moment she opened her eyes again. Her normally cerulean blue eyes were now a sparkling icy sky blue, swirling with one hell of an emotion.

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