CH. 7

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Third Person Point of View

"Kylie? Do you have a minute?" Robert hesitantly asked his daughter who was still sitting on the counter of the bar.

"It's not like I have anything else to do." Kylie replied in a bored tone.

"I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier. As I'm sure you know, I haven't really seen any other woman behave as brazen as you did earlier today and your arrival jumbled my thoughts. It was never my intention to make you feel like I didn't believe you" Robert explained.

"I think you were pretty clear on where you stood considering your words." Kylie deadpanned.

Robert let out a defeated sigh. Making his daughter believe in his explanation would be more difficult than he had imagined. Robert fished two bottles of beer out from behind the bar and gave one of them to Kylie.

Kylie gave him an icy glare as she accepted his gesture. Flicking of the cap with her teeth again, she ignored his presence. The feeling of eyes on her made her turn around. 

In the corner of the bar stood Damon, Deadshot and Axe staring at them. Axe and Deadshot looked curious, but Damon was oozing determination.

Kylie frowned her brows at him, but he just shook his head slightly at her action. Kylie decided to ignore all of them as she waited for Gio, Alex and Dominic. They should have been here by now. She didn't give anyone of them any long-lasting injuries, just some well deserved bruises.

Turning against the prospect handling the bar, she caught him with her demanding glare.

"Go fetch Gio, Alex and Dominic. I'm growing tired of waiting!" Kylie ordered.

The prospect ran of like his tail was on fire and she let out a chuckle at his behavior. Robert watched his daughter with pride. She had deemed herself a perfect leader for the club when he retired. It had only taken her half a day to bring these rowdy bikers speechless. No one except himself and Damon had ever managed to do what she just did.

"Queenie! We have worked on your impatience. Should we hold another session?" Alex squirmed as he walked into the bar.

"It's about time you got your ass of the floor. You've gotten old babe, it only took you ten minutes last time I knocked you out." Kylie replied boringly.

"Yeah, yeah! Let's get shitfaced!" The three of them cheered at the same time.

Kylie let out a genuine laugh at her company's excitement. She slid over the bar and racked up a line of six times four shot glasses. Her father's rack of expensive alcohol hadn't changed since the last time she was here and she withdrew a bottle of tequila. Robert raised an eyebrow, but let her continue. Kylie had a bad day and he wouldn't stand in the way of her rewinding.

Kylie filled up every shot glass to the brim and gave the boys a challenging look. She wasn't just the Queen of Assassin's, she was the reigning Queen of Tequila. The boys shook their heads in a weak disagreement, but quickly agreed when she sent them her famous glare.

Alex counted down from three and the four of them ran into action. The familiar feeling of the alcohol burning down her throat was calming Kylie. Tequila had been her release since she met Dominic. Before that she would always sneak into Alex's liquor cabinet and chugging his expensive Vodka. He didn't even know that it was her and she had no intention of him ever figuring out.

The shots flew down her throat, as she slammed the last glass down on the counter. Alex was on his second shot, not really a fan of tequila. Gio was on his fourth, and Dominic came in on a close second. 

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