CH. 19

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Damon Miller

The day went by in an excruciating slow manner. Kylie had been gone for a few days, but the uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen hadn't left.

Kylie was a strong girl, fully capable of taking care of herself but the unease I felt wouldn't disappear.

I had a feeling she would go after the Irish and the information of the dead hit man found in his own apartment hadn't come as a shock for any of us.

Axe had voiced his thoughts about Kylies trip the minute she stepped out of the clubhouse. She was going after the entire mob for us. All on her own.

A feeling of pride filled my body as I thought of her risking her life for us. The only thing missing was her presence.

Kylie had a knack for doing the opposite of what she was told to do and both Prez and I knew we couldn't keep her here.

She had made up her mind the second her phone rang in her bedroom. I assumed it was connected to the League, considering how quick she were to hide the message when I tried to get a sneak peak.

It had definitely ruined a perfect moment. I was this close to tasting her plump lips. Finally having her in my embrace for the first time in ten years.

The hope I had for Kylie returning the favor was high until we got interrupted. An unfamiliar emotion swirled in her eyes, seconds away from our lips meeting.

It almost seemed like she was unsure of what was happening, but wanted it to happen either way.

I had walked around with a hard-on the entire day, unable to get the image of her naked body of my mind. Mia, the leggy blonde and Kylie appeared to have quite the goodbye in the shower, and the boys were trying to hack the outside camera to show them to me.

They had informed me of the many times the two of them had been caught red handed over the years. Both by them and their men. It was a touchy subject for me, but I kept my emotions I check.

We were all so entranced by the work Alex was doing that we didn't even realize that the girls had returned. The conversation they started up had me shook.

My woman, my old lady had sex tapes. Not only one, but several. The whole situation had me frozen. Lost in thought, trying to figure out if I was raging or incredibly horny.

Kylie had my head reeling with anything she said or did. That girl had me wrapped around her finger so tight that I couldn't go a second without thinking of her.

"We have received news that the Irish mob have put out a hit on the club"

Roberts voice drew me back to the present church we were having. It was time to inform the rest of the MC of what was happening.

"Earlier today the Irish hit man Connor McMillian was found dead in his apartment. The NYPD have no clue about who killed him, but I guess it's safe to assume that Kylie had something to do about it"  Robert continued.

Whispers of pride and gratitude broke the tense air around us in a seconds. Anything that had to do with Kylie seemed to either clear the air around here or tense it further.

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