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''THE KING Kim Taehyung did it again with his new line of-''

I groaned and switched off the TV. I hate seeing his face, he was literally everywhere I go. On the news,  magazines, billboards, buildings..everywhere. I was reading a book when Sangmin came running to the living room. 

'Mom! we are gonna be late' 

'Late for what?'  i continued reading my book while my son was rummaging through the house.


'School?' I asked confused.

'It's the weekend.' i said folding the top of the page and closing the book I was reading.

'No... its Monday!' sangmin yelled while shoving his iphone onto my face.

' Damn it it is Monday.' I ran to the kitchen to find something for him to eat. thankfully there was a leftover sandwich from yesterday. I threw it into his lunch bag and hurriedly handed it to him. I was putting on my shoes....thank god he was already wearing his uniform. Sangmin likes to do things for himself since he was a year old. I took my bag and his and picked him up. shit he has only 5 mins left. 

'I can walk.' sangmin said pouting I ignored him and said bye to our cat Louie he just simply mewed back as a reply. Damn that  cat  only knows how to eat. No respect...I ran out of our small apartment. I ran as fast as I could with sangmin still in my arms.

 we finally arrived 10 mins later.

'Bye mom.' . he ran towards the school. I looked at my phone.shit its 7:30 I am going to be late. once again I started running real hard to get to my work. I really have to work out often. I thought but  being a single mom is hard work. I never get time to do anything for my self. I am not complaining because my baby is more important than anything to me. 

I entered the cafe and saw my best friend Park jimin. I gave him a guilty smile. I knew he was angry. I could see the fire radiating off him.

'Your late.' he said .

'I know.' i patted his shoulder and ran  to change my outfit. after I was done I immediately started taking orders.I saw jimin walking towards me. 

'So what happened.' he knows me too well to know that something was definitely wrong. 

'I thought it was the weekend.' i am sure he could imagine the rest. he just let out a chuckle.

'Wanna come to my house after our shift is over.' I asked.

'Is jungkook gonna be there.' he asked. he asks about jungkook all the time, he is jungkook's biggest fan. yes, jungkook is famous and also my brother.

'No.' i said.

'Then. no.' jimin replied. As you can see jimin is gay....very gay and has the huggest crush on my brother even though he has never met him in the five years of us being friends . 'Come on jimin...please Sangmin will also be excited to see you plus i need to relax and hangout with my best friend once in a while.'  i said smiling and giving him a knowing look knowing that we will be watching Netflix all night long.

'Fine.' he said giving me a poker face while pouring coffee into a cup. I love him so much..i don't know what i will do without him.


'Mr. Kim.' my assistant said while entering into my office room. I watched him come towards my desk.

'Have you dropped taeyeon to his school.' I asked him while going through some important files.

'Yes sir, we have dropped your son safely to his school.' 

'Good.' I said and continued my work. I have been very busy lately with so much work being dumped into my office day by day. I switched on the news and saw my face. I turned up the volume.

'THE KING Kim Taehyung did it again with a new line of clothing. people are going wild for these amazing deals and-'

I switched the TV of with a proud smile on my face and started finishing some more work. I was about to start writing when my phone rang. I checked the caller Id it was Jungkook. he is my best friend he is the CEO of a very successful  gaming company. he is the only person I can rely on. I picked up the phone.

~in a call~




Hey hyung..I just called to tell you that my new game is launching tonight. so if you are not too busy wanna come to my party.


oh..sure I can come.


Won't you bring taeyeon.


No I am not gonna bring taeyeon he is a child. he has homework to do.


Come on hyung..just let the kid be a kid for once.


Just shut up jungkook...I have lots of work to finish.


Ok..see ya later.



I cut the phone and started completing my work. 

~Time skip after taeyeon's school was complete~

I was heading out into my car to pick taeyeon up from his school. after 10 mins I arrived and saw taeyeon walking very slowly. he walked towards the car and got into the backseat. He  did not say anything. he was not a very jolly type of child. he rarely smiles. I find it very strange that a 6 year old is not being annoying. he is a very obedient boy. never says no. always follows the rules. he was looking out the window, deep in thought.

'What are you thinking about.' I asked him looking through the rare view mirror to see him. he was quiet for a few mins and then replied.

'Today at school we learned a story about a boy and his mother.' he said now looking at me.

'Oh really.' i replied back.

'Dad..why don't we ever talk about my mom.' he said and I lost it.

'Shut up Taeyeon.' I said.

'But dad you always say you will tell me later but you never do!' he said screaming at me. 


'BUT WHY...WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU!' he yelled at me again.

'That's enough more.' I said and he turned his head to look out the window again. I saw a tear falling from his eyes but I can't help it. Silence. awkward silence filled the car all the way back home. we reached but I did not exit neither did he. 

'Taeyeon...I am going to jungkook hyungs launch party. okay.' I said turning to look at him.

he did not reply . I know he was upset. but I don't like to talk about her. Sumin i miss you.....

 He simply nodded his head in agreement. I got out of the car and opened the door for him. he ran out of the car and into the house.


'Just wait dad I will find my mom.' 


Hi guys this the first chapter....I hope you liked it.pls vote and comment. bye.❤😁😊

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