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This sucks, he literally asked me to follow him everywhere because, he says he doesn't know when he is going to get an inspiration, like what? we were in the park right now. walking around doing nothing important. we have been walking around for hours and my feet are killing me. 

'Um, Mr. kim why are we even walking here.' I asked him and he turned around and looked at me and continued walking and I sighed.

'Because over here, I find my inspiration.' he said and I found and a bench and sat down.

'Why don't you go find your inspiration and I'll wait here.'  I said rubbing my legs because it hurt. he looked at me and clicked his tongue. 

'Come on, lets continue.' he said and started walking again and I groaned loudly and grabbed my note pad and pencil and ran to catch up to him. I finally reached him and sighed, ugh! I don't want to walk...well, I might as well draw something. I started drawing a scenery of a beautiful tree, it had red, orange and brownish colored leaves, it was autumn after all. winter is coming soon and I am excited. which means the kids birthday is next week. that's so exciting this is their first birthday together. I was too concentrated on the drawing that I bumped into his back.

'Sorry.' I said and heard him hum in response.

', did you get anything.' I asked him in a hopeful tone.

'Nothing yet, but it is getting late..we should hed back.' he said and sighed in relief of the thought of going back to the office. we walked for a few minutes and finally reached the office and I immediately  went to my office room and collapsed onto my desk chair. oh god! my feet hurt soo bad. I was complaining  to my self when I saw hoseok.

'Hey sumin, have you seen Taehyung.' he asked me with the amazing smile of his. I only met him two days ago, but we are really close know and he is like my older brother now. 

'um he should be in his office.' I said and he nodded his head and left. I started drawing some sketches which I think is cute, but of course I won't show it to Taehyung...if he saw my drawings of these cheap dresses  he might spit on it. this was just for my satisfaction. I was busy drawing some random dresses when a girl walked up to my desk. she banged her hands on the table while chewing her gum, with her mouth wide open. I covered the sketches because I don't want anyone to see.

'Yes?' I asked polietly and she just rolled her eyes at me and began to speak.

'Mr. Kim is like...I don't know callin you.' she said in the most annoying tone and I nodded my head and she left. I stood up from my desk chair and walked to Taehyung's office. I reached the front door and knocked.

'Come in.' I heard him say and I opened the door and saw him working, he really was handsome. why am I even thinking about this now? I walked towards his desk and he still was busy doing something.

'Mr. Kim, you called.' I asked him and looked at me and gestured his hands for me to sit down. I sat down on the chair opposite to him.

'Sumin, I just wanted to say that I am going on a business meeting next week...' he said, why is he telling this to me?

'Which means I won't be there for the kids birthday.' he said and my eyes went wide. how can he do that to them! this was the first birthday that they are going to have together and Taeyeon was so excited because he said that he was never happy on his birthday's. this can't happen. I won't let it.

'What do you mean? you have to come, it's their birthday.' I said in a sad tone.


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