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It was morning now and I woke up very happily I looked to my right and saw that sangmin was still asleep. I got off the bed and decided to go take a shower. Today I had work and sangmin had school. after 10 mins I was done and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided that I would make pancakes because he really likes them. I started making the pancakes but I heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and saw sangmin standing there while rubbing his eyes.

'Good morning mom.' he said while yawning and I smiled at him. I walked over to him and pinched his cute cheeks. he pouted at me.

'Good morning my love.' I said and he smiled at me and then hugged me and I hugged him back. 

'You should go and have school today.' I said and his eyes went wide. I looked at him confused.

'Is everything okay?' I asked him and he nervously smiled. 

'Yes!' he said and ran to the bedroom. okay...that was weird and he was acting kinda strange yesterday he was being so proper and his talking is so fancy. maybe they are just learning manners or something at school. I don't have time to think about this. I have to finish making breakfast before we are late. after about 15 mins I was done making breakfast and saw sangmin was already in his school uniform. okay now that's weird. I always help him put on his uniform. he even did his hair. what the fuck is wrong with him. wait this is not even a bad thing. I should calm done maybe its just because he is growing up. I gave him breakfast and went to the bedroom to get ready for work.  


I woke up because someone was banging on my bedroom door. I lazily walked to the door and opened it and saw it was taeyeon and he was smiling. I groaned and walked back to my bed. 

'What do you want taeyeon? it's early.' I asked while lying on my bed again. he got onto the bed while struggling because the bed was really big. he got on the bed and started jumping!

'What are you doing!' I asked him and he stopped jumping. 

'Just jumping.' he said and started jumping again and I grabbed his arm to stop him from jumping and he pouted. why is he acting like this. he not acting mannered at all right now. 

'Hey dad, are you like busy today or somethin.' he asked. what happened to him. why is he talking like this. 

'Why are you talking like that.' I asked him and he shrugged. okay he is seriously getting on my nerves right now. 

'So are you busy?' he asked again.

'Yes, I am busy..I am always busy.' I said and he pouted again. now that I look at him he looks different. maybe because I don't see him all the time. 

'Will you be free at 6pm today.' he asked and I sighed. 

'Taeyeon, go and get ready you have school today. ' I said and his eyes went wide. why is he so surprised. 

'School! Oh man, I don't wanna go to school.' he whined. what the hell. 

'what did you say?' I asked in an angry tone. he slowly got off the bed and ran out of the room. wow he sure  does have some guts to tell me that he does not want to do something. I got out bed and went to take a bath because I have a lot of work to complete today. 


I had sent sangmin to school and I was in  the cafe taking orders when jimin walked into the cafe. he smiled at me and I smiled back. he put on his apron and then washed his hands and went to the coffee station. 

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