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Today me and mom are going to visit the park. I am not excited to go because sangmin is not going to be there like the last to times I was at the park but I am in character so I have to go. Mom was bathing and I was getting ready to go. I was done and went to the living room. I went to Louie and started playing with him. after a few mins mom came into the living room while putting her bracelet on. She came towards me and pinched my cheek and I smiled.

'Are you ready to leave to the park mom.' I asked and she nodded her head.

'Yes baby, let me just grab my book.' she said and walked towards her bookshelf. she really loves reading a lot. 

'Mom can we bring Louie along with us to the park.' I asked and she turned around while holding the book in her hand. 

'Of course, you can bring Louie along with you if you would like.' she said and I smiled and grabbed him in my hands. Louie acts like an adult and loves to sleep at all times. he mewed at me when I picked him up. Mom and I walked to the park. 

'Mom..I never asked, when did you buy Louie.' I asked and she looked like she froze. she stopped walking and sighed. 

' father gave him to me.' she said and my eyes went wide. dad bought him for her!

'So he has been there since I was born right.' I asked and mom took Louie out of my hands and handed me the book. 

'I will hold him..he must be heavy right. you can hold my book.' she said and I nodded my head and waited for her to answer my question. 

'Yes, he has been there since you were born, he is like an old grandpa.' she said and kissed Louie. I smiled and we continued walking towards the park. we finally reached and we walked through the garden and into the park. mom said that I can go play and that she would be sitting on the bench with Louie while reading her book. I walked towards the swing and started swinging on them but I felt bored because sangmin was not here.


I walked downstairs to eat breakfast because today I am taking a day off. I need a break. I walked into the kitchen and saw taeyeon talking to the maids. 

'So Mrs. lee what comes first the chicken or the egg?' he asked and I smiled. the maids were just laughing. 

'Why are you laughing.' he said whining. I walked towards him and patted his head. he turned around and smiled. 

'Daddy!' he hugged me and I hugged him back. while the the chef continued making breakfast. 

'don't you have work today.' He asked and I sat down on a chair next to him and checked my phone to see if I got any messages. 

'No I am taking the day off.' I said and he looked happy about it. 

' can we go to the park today.' he asked and I let out a loud sigh. 

'Fine..we can go.' I said and he started jumping happily around the kitchen. why does he like this park so much. 

'If you want to go then eat your breakfast fast and go get ready.' I said and he immeadietly started devouring his food and within a blink of and eye he was done.

'I'm done.' he said with his mouth full of food. I got angry. 

'Don't talk with you mouth full.' I said and he nodded his head and ran upstairs.

'Stop running!' I yelled at him, who was already upstairs.

'Okay!' he shouted back.

'Stop yelling!!' I shouted but did not get any response. the maids gave me a weird look as if I did something wrong. 

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