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'Taeyeon!' I yelled. where in the world could he be. I went to his room and saw that he wasn't there. I walked towards the table and saw a note, it read..''sorry dad''. sorry dad what is that suppose to mean. Oh fuck! that little brat  ran away again. I know where he could be. the central park. why would he want to go so badly?.  he was very obedient and always used to listen to me. but the last three days he has been back answering and running away. what the fuck is wrong with  him?. I sent my body guards to go to the park and get him. he is only a child and he is in the big city by himself. he must be crazy. I went to my car and started driving around the city just to see if he could, by any chance be on the streets. while the guards went to the park. he is in big trouble when I find him.


'Mommy come on lets go.' Sangmin whined while tugging my hand. honestly, why is he so excited to go. he was wearing his favorite black shirt. it was plain..but he still loved it. he started running around the room while I continued getting ready. I put on my favorite bracelet. I put on a little bit of perfume. I heard sangmin sigh really loudly and I chuckled. 

'Alright I am done.' I said and his face lit up. He started running towards the living room and put on his shoes. I took my book so that I could read it in the park while he plays. I held his hand and started walking to the park. while he was smiling.

'Why are you so happy today.' I asked and he smiled even wider.

'Its nothing mommy ,but  we need to hurry cause its almost 4pm.' he said and started running. 

'hey wait!.' I ran after him. why the fuck did he just run. he already ran into the park. I don't think I have ever ran this fast in my entire life. my heart was beating fast. I could not find him. I started looking everywhere. where is he? .  all the kids were screaming and shouting with joy . while I was panicking. I have never been this scared in my life. 

'Sangmin!' I yelled but no answer. I was running around the park while everyone was staring at me weirdly. but I don't care.


I was running. I have to find taeyeon. shit! it is already 4pm. I started running faster but I bumped into someone and he fell. I looked at the person. OH MY GOD. i found him. 

'Taeyeon! ' I yelled on the top of my lungs happily. 

'Shh..' he said and I immediately covered my mouth with my hands.  

'You came.' I said while smiling. he smiled while scratching the back of his neck. 

' said your dad is really strict..but yet he let you come..he must be nice.' I said and he smiled awkwardly. 

'I ran away.' he said and my eyes went wide. what the fuck!. oops. mom told me not to say that. 

'YOU RAN AWAY AGAIN!!' I yelled on the top of my lungs again and he hushed me once again. 

'Oh my god...he is gonna kill you.' i said while walking back and forth. 

'OK sangmin...listen to me I don't have a lot of time to waste. I saw my bodyguards following me into the park. I have an amazing idea.' he said in a single breath and I just nodded my head.

'My plan is that we should swap places.' he said and my eyes went wide again. 

'Are you serious..or did I bump into you so hard.' i said and he rolled his eyes. 

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