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I woke and saw that Taeyeon was still asleep, I kissed his head and stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. after 10 mins I was done and walked into my closet to get ready to go for work. I got ready and walked downstairs and saw sangmin and Taehyung sleeping on the sofa, what the hell? why are they sleeping there. I walked up to sangmin. I tapped his shoulder and he whined, I woke up Taehyung and he said 5 more mins. I sighed and went to the kitchen. I took my breakfast and sat down in the dinning room and ate by myself. I was done eating and when I walked into the living room Taehyung wasn't there. I was about to walk out of the door when I saw him coming down the stairs. 

'I will drop you, come with me.' he said and I nodded my head and we walked to the car. I sat down in the passengers seat. he got into the drivers seat and fastened his seat belt and I did the same and he started driving to the office. I let out a sigh and looked outside the window. I saw people walking to work, some waiting for the bus and some walking their dogs. we finally reached the office and I got out of the car and walked into the building and walked towards the elevator and Taehyung followed. I clicked the elevator button. we reached the fifth floor and he walked to his room and I went to the art room and saw all my lovely employees. I sighed and sat down at my desk. I started doing some random sketches that he told me to do. I started coloring the sketches.

I was in a meeting right now and Taehyungs was explaining his vision for the new line when my phone rang and everyone stared at me. I heard Taehyung sigh loudly.

'I'm sorry.' I said and took my phone and cut the call without looking at who it was, after a few seconds the phone rang again and Taehyung looked at me. I took my phone and the caller id said Taeyeon and I was So confused.

'Can I please take this call.' I asked and he nodded his head and I left the meeting room and walked outside and took the call.

'Hello.' I asked confused and I could hear someone cry.

'Hello mom, it's Taeyeon...sangmin fell down and he hurt his leg and his knee is bleeding! come fast!!' he yelled and I was so confused.

'Where are you, aren't you guys at home.' I asked worried and the crying got louder. I am so scared. 

' we are at the park.' he said and my heart skipped a beat.

'Your by yourself!' I yelled .

'Yeah.' he whispered. 

'Taeyeon-ah your the older brother why did you go...without permission or atleast with the Mrs. lee  or Andrew.' I asked and he kept quite for a while 

'Mom, just pls come quickly.' he said and I started panicking.

'Okay I am coming.' I said.

I was about to walk into the meeting room when everyone was walking outside, I walked into the room and saw Taehyung sitting on  the chair and I took my bag and was about to leave. I am so mad at them right now. 

'Was that call so important that it couldn't wait.' he asked and I sighed in annoyance and looked at him. I cleared my throat. 

'Well, you see your children went to the central park by themselves and sangmin got hurt and his knee is bleeding, it's kinda important.' I said and his eyes went wide. he stood from his chair and grabbed my arm and ran to the elevator and then he dragged me to the the car. we got in and he started driving really fast, after 10 mins we finally reached the park and my heart was beating so fast.I hope they are okay. we ran into the park to find them, why do they always run away. we finally so them and sangmin was sitting on a bench and his knee was bleeding pretty badly. oh my god, why did he have to come here without permission. we ran to them and sangmin was crying. I kneeled down and looked at his knee.

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