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Today would be an amusing day for sure, I have to go back to work because my two day's break was complete and I have a very busy day today. meetings, checking the new lines, have to interview people because I need a new artist etc . yes, very amusing day indeed. I groaned and rolled off my bed in annoyance. I stumbled to the bathroom and took a cold shower to wake me up. after my cold shower I walked to my closet and got ready into my suit and walked down the stairs. I saw sumin standing in the living room looking at her phone, ready to go to work bright and early. she walked out the front door and I walked to the dinning room for breakfast. I sat down on the chair and the maids placed the food on the table and walked away, I started eating my food when I got a call. It was my assistant.

'Yes.' I asked while chewing on my food and I began to speak

'Yes, Mr. kim you are going to attend work today am I right.' 

'I am, is something wrong.' I asked in a bored tone.

'Nothing is wrong sir, I just wanted to make sure.' he said and I sighed in relief. that is the last thing I want right now for something to have gone wrong. 

'I will be there soon, goodbye.' I said and heard him say ''goodbye'' and I cut the call and placed my phone back on the table and continued eating my breakfast. after I was done I walked out of my door and saw my butler. Mr. Jones.

'Have a great day sir.' he said while bowing and I nodded my head and walked towards my car and got in. I started driving to my office, after 15 mins I had arrived and I walked into the company and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed at me and I walked past them up to my office. my assistant walked up to me.

'Good morning sir.' he said while bowing and I smiled at him and I pressed the 5 th floor button.

'Good morning.' I said and he smiled at me.

'How was your break.' he asked looking at a folder that was in his hands. I hummed in responce and put my hands into my pockets. 

'fine.' I said and he turned and looked towards me with an amused look on his face which made me quite confused.

'I heard that you had visited the amusement park, sir.' he said and I just smiled at his statement. we reached the fifth floor and walked towards my office room.

'It was quite fun, I must say.' I said and walked towards my desk and sat down on my chair and he handed me the folder he was looking at before. I flipped through the line of the new dresses that was designed. I wasn't quite amused with the sketches. I gave it back to  him and I sighed.

'I am not extremely happy with it it needs something more , ask them to improve it and bring it back to me. I will give them two days to impress me.' I said and he nodded his head.

'Sir, the man who sketched the dresses has resigned from the job and his team is not doing well without him either.' he said and I remembered that he had resigned. I have to interview some people for the job today. I looked at my wrist watch and it was 9 am. I sighed,the interview begins at 11. I asked my assistant to leave so that I could complete some work before the interviews begin and I am not looking forward to it. 

~After 1 hour~

Ring ring ring ring-----

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller id, was sumin. why would she be calling me at this hour. in fact why would she even call me. 

On the phone

'Hello.' I said and I heard sniffling from the other side of the call.

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