Izuku Midoriya: Origin

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~POV Young Izuku~
People are not born equal. I had to learn the hard truth by an unfortunate event. My own mother's death. Which was the same day my Dad came home from overseas. Today, this morning, was like every other one except today I would find out my quirk and my second gender. My mom woke me up to go to the doctor office. She helped me get dressed into tan shorts that went down to my knees and a red plain shirt and my signature red high top tennis shoes. She helped me brush out my long green hair which was always so soft. We both made our way to the train station due to us being to poor to buy a car for the both of us. Me and my mom only lived in a small house, that was the only affordable option for my moms small paychecks. My father was always overseas and never gave us any money, we didn't reject this due to him being a very powerful alpha and my mom being a weak omega who was forced into the marriage. However this never made her love me any less. In her eyes I was a gift from heaven who deserves the best. Once we got to the train station we waited for the buss.

* Time Skip Brought to you by Deku and his Mom Arriving at the Office*

As we step into the Doctors building, I become over excited to find out the amazing quirk I got and to see if I will be a powerful alpha to protect my mom.
My mom has a telekinesis type quirk while my father can breath fire. We arrive in the big room were they do a bunch of tests on me to determine my quirk and second gender.

"Well we have the results, which do you want first?" The guy in the lab coat said.
"I think my little angle would like to know his quirk first."
"Well you see, you son has no quirk..."
After the doctor said that it went silent and my face that once healed a wide smile stretching from ear to ear had faded into a shocked expressionless expression. (If that makes scene)
" The good thing is you son is a proud Male omega!! This is a very rare thing and you should be very happy." The doctor gone on to say.
The once All Might toy my mom was holding fell to the floor following with a single tear coming out of her eye. The room fell into a silence which you could hear a penny drop. She quickly rises from her chair and grabs me, hugging me saying it was going to be ok. After that I blacked out, and became num to everything happening around me and was still trying to comprehend all of this. I have no quirk and I'm not an alpha. I didn't know what it meant to be an omega, from how my mom was acting being an omega was the worst thing that could happen. When we got home we saw a strange black car outside. We start to walk in and see the house a mess, the lamp that once sat beside the couch was across the room, things on shelf's on the floor, and we hear thing being flung across the room. "Hunny go to Miss. Katsuki house at the end of the street, tell her to call the cops." My mother told me in a rushing tone. "Ok" I turn around to go when I walk throw the door way, I feel someone pick me up and hold me. I look up and it's not mommy but some man with a black hair, half white and purple skin. In other words he look scary. "MOMMY!!!" I yell.

Author Note;
Word count; #695
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic and very excited on how this story will progress. I will try to post the next chapter ether sometime this week or today. I hope you like it so far. Comments are open for suggestions, how you felt during this, what I could change or any mistakes I made that I can fix.

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