First day

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Kacchan POV;

As we entered Izuku room, we heard him yell that he's in the kitchen. I found this cute and so did Todoroki because we both looked at each other both having a small blush on our faces. It was like he was our wife and we were coming home from work. We quickly brush that off and walk to the kitchen. We see his making food, while preparing it he was humming a song and swaying his hip to the beat. Not to mention that outfit he was wearing, it was supper hot. He had these pants on the hugged his thick thighs and you could see the outline of his ass. Which may I might add was so hot. He also had on this black sweater with a pink jacket this just was screaming, "IM GAY". I didn't noticed that he turned around and nether did Todo. We were a blushing mess and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was.

Yea we were in a relationship and we were very happy but we've both had a crush on Deku since the beginning of school. And after he left we realized we also fell in love with each other while still loving Izuku. I was knocked out of my thoughts by a small hand grabbing my shoulder. It was Izuku, "We let's go boys" he said before walking towards the door. Me and todo turn around and walk along with him. Each step that stupid Deku walked his hips swayed left to right and his thighs giggled with each step. God I'm going to have a gay panic pretty soon.

Izuku POV;

After we left the dorm room we made our way down stairs. Their were only a few class mates hear and their in the common room. They didn't realize I was their and they just kept doing what their doing. We soon arrived at school. Kacchan was walking In front while I was in the middle with Todoroki following behind me. We looked like a line of ducklings. The 1st and 2nd years were watching and whispering about me and what what going on. I didn't pay any mind to is due to the sorta familiarity of it. I use to get cat called a lot while doing villain work. I don't mind it thought it was amusing seeing all the people becoming bewitched by my omega inside me. That reminding me It is almost that time I go into head, let's hope they have that covered, I'll have to bring that up with Azawa later in class.

We finally made it to the classroom, now voices of students filled my ears. Kacchan begin to open to door for me and Todo. "Why thank you Kacchan" I said in a purring like tone. Of course he blushed at this soon turning around. "Your seat is the same one as before." Todoroki replied with his normal town. Aww no fair. I then walked to my seat gaining some looks of my classmates, some of shocked, and others that were obviously checking me out.

As soon as I took my seat the teacher walked in. As soon as he saw me he sighed, not like he could do anything about it now. "Today were just going to be chill and great our newly returned student seeing as how we didn't git anytime yesterday." Mr. Azawa said. This made me sigh and bang my head agents my desk. I rested my head on my desk for a few seconds then lifting it. It was a real drag when I had to answer questions. I don't like that sorta thing. When I lifted my head the student were looking at me with shocked expressions which was amusing. "Sorry" I said scratching the back of my neck. "Well never mind that if you have a question for Midoriya just ask him, other that that try to keep it down and not wake me up." Azawa said to the class soon falling into the yellow sleeping bag. I know he wanted to listen in on the convo so he didn't go to sleep and soon after that the question began.

Iida; "If anyone going to ask a question keep it simple and don't ask stupid things. If he doesn't want to answer it don't force him."

Mina; " Ow I wanna go first. Midoriya what you sexually." She said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Izuku; "I though I made it clear but apparently not. I'm gay. Like into boys." After I said this I say Mina hand Kaminari 20 bucks. "Wait did you guys bet on this?" Mina sakes her head with disappointment in herself I smile a little bit.

Kirishima; "Do you have a boyfriend?" He said with his eye brows going up and down in a owwwwww matter.

Izuku; "Well not anymore, but he doesn't know because I'm stuck here."

Uraraka; "Aw I'm sorry Deku, why you guys break it up?"

Izuku; I smirk at this because 2 classmates are about to find out who I'm with. " He sorta gave me away to two certain people the ran away without helping me." I looked over to Kacchan and Todoroki and their faces were in a shock.

Both Kacchan and Todo; " Wait you were dating Dabi?!" The rest of the class gasped and I nodded my head.

Izuku; "Oh before I forget, Mr. Azawa, my heats coming up and we're going to have a slight problem."  As I said this Azawa opened his eyes and looked sorta panicked. " Judgeing by that look I figure you forgot." He nodded his head. Well this is going to be great I said in my head.

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